Charles Hartshorne: Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works

Compiled by Dorothy C. Hartshorne

Revised and Updated by
Donald Wayne Viney and Randy Ramal

This bibliography is a corrected version of the one that appeared in Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 374-409; in Santiago Sia’s Religion, Reason and God (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004): 195-223; and in Herbert F. Vetter (ed.), Hartshorne: A New World View (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Square Library, 2007): 129-160. Earlier versions appeared in Process and Divinity, the Hartshorne Festschrift, eds. William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1964): 579-591; Process Studies 6, 1 (1973): 73-93 [Addenda published in issue 11, 2 (1981): 108-13]; and in The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne, the Library of Living Philosophers, volume XX, ed. Lewis Hahn (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1991): 735-66. Randy Ramal, while at the Center for Process Studies, added material to these earlier works in his alphabetically ordered bibliographies of Hartshorne’s works posted on the CPS web site. Don Viney, working independently, was also adding items to the LLP bibliography. The following combines these separate efforts and is more than what either Viney or Ramal produced individually. Since the last version of this bibliography appeared, Viney has seen to the publication of several articles and a book that Hartshorne never published; those items have now been included. There have been added as well some items originally missed; typographical mistakes have been corrected and cross-references for articles that later appeared in Hartshorne’s books have been added.

Although Viney and Ramal followed Dorothy Hartshorne’s practice of listing items in chronological order, they diverged from her lead by (1) listing Hartshorne’s abstracts of his books and articles under the same item as the book or article itself; (2) listing reviews and articles, including translations, that appeared in more than one place—but not in one of Hartshorne’s books—under a single heading; (3) listing multiple replies in a single volume under a single item (Dorothy did this, but inconsistently). Thus, forty-eight items that she listed separately are consolidated here under other entries.1

This bibliography revises and updates Dorothy’s original, but it is in one respect less than what she compiled, for no attempt is made to list Hartshorne’s ornithological works unless they include philosophical content. Moreover, Viney and Ramal make no claim to being exhaustive; for example, a complete bibliography would include Hartshorne’s many letters to the editor, but none of those are listed here (nor are they listed in the bibliographies mentioned above). It is worth noting that there are over sixty unpublished articles in the Hartshorne archives as well as an extensive correspondence. Thus, what is offered here, though more extensive than previous bibliographies, remains a work in progress.


1.         Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss. Cambridge: Harvard UP.

                                Vol. 1, Principles of Philosophy, 1931.

                                Vol. 2, Elements of Logic, 1932.

                                Vol. 3, Exact Logic, 1933.

                                Vol. 4, The Simplest Mathematics, 1933.

                                Vol. 5, Pragmatism and Pragmaticism, 1934.

                                Vol. 6, Scientific Metaphysics, 1935.

2.         The Philosophy and Psychology of Sensation. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1934. Reissued in Port Washington, New York: Kennikat P, 1968.

3.         Beyond Humanism: Essays in the New Philosophy of Nature. Chicago: Willet, Clark and Company, 1937. Reprinted as a Bison Book Edition, with new Preface. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1968. Also reprinted in Gloucester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith, 1975.

4.         Man’s Vision of God and the Logic of Theism. Chicago: Willet, Clark and Company, 1941. After 1948 published by Harper and Brothers, New York. Reprinted by Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1964.

5.         The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God. The Terry Lectures, 1947. New Haven: Yale UP, 1948.

6.         Whitehead and the Modern World: Science, Metaphysics, and Civilization, Three Essays on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead. By Victor Lowe, Charles Hartshorne, and A.H. Johnson. Boston: the Beacon P, 1950. “Whitehead’s Metaphysics” by Charles Hartshorne, 25-41. Reprinted by Books for Libraries P, 1972. “Whitehead’s Metaphysics” reprinted as chapter 2 of Whitehead’s Philosophy. See abstract in Program of the American Philosophical Association, Western Division (May 6-8, 1948): 13-14.       

7.    Reality as Social Process: Studies in Metaphysics and Religion. Foreword by William Ernest Hocking. Glencoe: The Free P and Boston: The Beacon P, 1953. Reprinted in New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1971.

8.         Philosophers Speak of God (with William L. Reese). Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1953, reprinted in 1969. Reissued by Chicago: Midway Reprints, 1976. Reprinted by Amherst, New York: Humanity Books, 2000, with an addendum to the Preface by William L. Reese.

9.         The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1962. Author’s abstract in The Monist 59, 4 (1976): 596.

10.       Anselm’s Discovery: A Re-Examination of the Ontological Proof for God’s Existence. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1965.

11.       The Social Conception of the Universe [Three chapters from Reality as Social Process]. Edited by Keiji Matsunobu. Tokyo: Aoyama, and New York: Macmillan, 1967.

12.       A Natural Theology for Our Time. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1967. Author’s abstract in The Monist 59, 4 (1976): 594.

13.       Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method. London: SCM P Ltd., and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1970. Reprinted in 1983 by Lanham, Maryland: UP of America. Chinese translation in process (The China Project, Center for Process Studies, Claremont, California).  Author’s abstract in The Monist 56, 4 (1972): 626-27. 

14.       Whitehead’s Philosophy: Selected Essays, 1935-1970. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1972. [Japanese translation by Keiji Matsunobu and Minoru Otsuka, Kyoto: Korosha, 1989.]

15.       Born to Sing: An Interpretation and World Survey of Bird Song. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1973. Author’s abstract in The Monist 59, 2 (1976): 299.

16.       Aquinas to Whitehead: Seven Centuries of Metaphysics of Religion. The Aquinas Lecture, 1976. Milwaukee: Marquette U Publications, 1976.

17.       Whitehead’s View of Reality (with Creighton Peden). New York: Pilgrim P, 1981. “Whitehead in Historical context” by Charles Hartshorne, 2-24.

18.       Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy. Albany: State U of New York P, 1983.

19.       Omnipotence and other Theological Mistakes. Albany: State U of New York P, 1984. [Japanese translation by Minoru Otsuka. Kyoto: Korosha, 1991.] Author’s abstract in The Monist 69, 4 (1986): 633.

20.       Creativity in American Philosophy. Albany: State U of New York P, 1984. [Spanish translation by Mari Luz Caso as Creatividad en la Filosofia Estadonnidense (Mexico: Edamex, 1987).] 

21.       Wisdom as Moderation: A Philosophy of the Middle Way. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. [Japanese translation by Minoru Otsuka, with a preface by Charles Hartshorne.]

22.       The Darkness and the Light: A Philosopher Reflects Upon His Fortunate Career and Those Who Made It Possible. Albany: State U of New York P, 1990.

23.       The Zero Fallacy and Other Essays in Neoclassical Philosophy. Edited and Introduced by Mohammad Valady. Peru, Illinois: Open Court, 1997.

24.       Hartshorne and Brightman on God, Process, and Persons: The Correspondence, 1922-1945. Edited by Randall E. Auxier and Mark Y. A. Davies. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2001.

25.      Charles Hartshorne’s Letters to a Young Philosopher: 1979-1995. Edited by Donald Wayne Viney. Logos-Sophia: The Journal of the Pittsburg State University Philosophical Society, Volume 11 (Fall 2001). Available at

26.      Hartshorne: A New World View, Essays by Charles Hartshorne. Edited by Herbert F. Vetter. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Square Library, 2007. Hartshorne/index.html.

27.      Creative Experiencing: A Philosophy of Freedom. Edited by Donald Wayne Viney and Jincheol O. Albany: State University of New York Press 2011. [Hartshorne completed work on this manuscript in the late 1980s or early 1990s.]

28.       The Unity of Being. [Original title: An Outline and Defense of the Argument for the Unity of Being in the Absolute or Divine Good]. Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University. (May 1923). Edited by Randall E. Auxier and Hyatt Carter. Scheduled for publication from Open Court.

Articles, Reviews, and Discussions

1.         “Memory, Youth, and Age.” The Haverfordian 37, 8 (1916): 323.

2.         “Barriers to Progress: Or Some Superstitions of Modernism.” The Gad-Fly [Student Liberal Club of Harvard University] (1923): 1-15.

3.         Review of A.N. Whitehead. Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect (New York: Macmillan, 1927). Hound and Horn 1 (1927): 148-52.

4.         Reviews of Martin Heidegger. Sein und Zeit;Oskar Becker, Mathematische Existenz (from Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Phanomenologische Forschung, Herausgegeben von Edmund Husserl) [Achter Band. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1927, xxi, 809]. Philosophical Review 38, 3 (1929): 284-93. Incorporated into chapter 17 of Beyond Humanism.

5.         “Continuity, the Form of Forms, in Charles Peirce.” The Monist 39, 4 (1929): 521-34.

6.         Review of Etienne Souriau. L’Avenir de l’esthétique (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1929). International Journal of Ethics 40, 1 (1929): 132-33

7.         “Ethics and the Assumption of Purely Private Pleasures.” International Journal of Ethics 40, 4 (1930): 496-515.

8.         “Sense Quality and Feeling Tone.” Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Philosophy, ed. Gilbert Ryle (London: Oxford UP, 1931): 168-72.

9.         “Contingency and the New Era in Metaphysics, I.” Journal of Philosophy 29, 16 (1932): 421-31; “Contingency and the New Era in Metaphysics, II.” Journal of Philosophy 29, 17 (1932): 457-69.

10.       Review of André Lalande. Les Illusions évolutionnistes (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1930). International Journal of Ethics 43, 1 (1932): 94-97.

11.       “Four Principles of Method—with Applications.” The Monist 43, 1 (1933): 40-72.

12.       Review of G. Watts Cunningham. The Idealistic Argument in Recent British and American Philosophy (New York: Century, 1933). International Journal of Ethics 43, 4 (1933): 447-49.

13.       Foreword to The Categories of Charles Peirce by Eugene Freeman (Chicago: Open Court, 1934).

14.       Review of R. G. Collingwood. An Essay on Philosophical Method (Oxford: Clarendon, 1933). International Journal of Ethics 44, 3 (1934): 357-58.

15.      “The Intelligibility of Sensations.” The Monist 44, 2 (1934): 161-85.

16.       Reviews of Ernest W. Barnes. Scientific Theory and Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1933); J. E. Turner. Essentials in the Development of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1934); T. V. Seshagiro Row. New Light on Fundamental Problems (Madras: UP, 1932). International Journal of Ethics 44, 4 (1934): 465-71.

17.       Reviews of Gerhard Kraenzlin. Max Schelers’ Phaenomenologische Systematik; Adolph Sternberger, Der verstandene Tod: Eine Untersuchung zu Martin Heideggers Existenzilontologie (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1934). International Journal of Ethics 44, 4 (1934): 478-80.

18.       “Redefining God.” New Humanist 7, 4 (1934): 8-15. Reprinted in Contemporary American Protestant Thought: 1900-1970, ed. William R. Miller (Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1973): 315-322. Also reprinted in American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 22, 2 (2001): 107-13.

19.       “The New Metaphysics and Current Problems, I.” New Frontier 1, 1 (1934): 24-31; “The New Metaphysics and Current Problems, II.” New Frontier 1, 5 (1934): 8-14.

20.       “Ethics and the New Theology.” International Journal of Ethics 45, 1 (1934): 90-101.

21.       Review of Louis Vialle. Le Désir du néant (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1933). International Journal of Ethics 45, 1 (1934): 116-117.

22.       Review of William Pepperell Montague. The Chances of Surviving Death (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1934). International Journal of Ethics 45, 1 (1934): 120-21

23.       Reviews of John Nibb. Christianity and Internationalism (London: Elliot Stock, 1934); Georges Lakhovsky. Le Racisme et l’orchestre universelle (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1934). International Journal of Ethics 45, 1 (1934): 121-22.

24.       “The Parallel Development of Method in Physics and Psychology.” Philosophy of Science 1, 4 (1934): 446-59.

25.       “Pattern and Movement in Art and Science.” Comment (The U of Chicago) 3, 2 (1935): 1-2, 11. Chapter 2 of Reality as Social Process.

26.       Discussion: “Flexibility of Scientific Truth.” Philosophy of Science 2 (1935): 255-56.

27.       Review of D. Draghicesco. Vérité et Revelation, Vol. 1. (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1934). International Journal of Ethics 45, 2 (1935): 248-249. [cf. item 36] Incorporated into chapter 4 of Beyond Humanism.

28.       Review of Adolphe Ferrière. Der Primat des Geistes als Grundlage einer aufbauenden Erziehung, Translated by Emmi Hirschberg (Berlin: Julius Beltz, n.d.). International Journal of Ethics 45, 2 (1935): 250.

29.       Review of Henry C. Simons. A Positive Program for Laissez Faire (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1935). Christian Century 52, 23 (1935): 761-62.

30.      “Metaphysics for Positivists.” Philosophy of Science 2, 3 (1935): 287-303.

31.       “On Some Criticisms of Whitehead’s Philosophy.” Philosophical Review 44, 4 (1935): 323-44. [cf. item 50]. Chapter 3 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

32.       Reviews of John Wisdom. Problems of Mind and Matter (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1934); Thomas Whittaker. Reason (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1934); Julius W. Friend and James Feibleman. Science and the Spirit of Man (London: Allen and Unwin, 1933). International Journal of Ethics 45, 4 (1935): 461-65.

33.       Review of Gajanan Wasudeo Kaveeshwar. The Metaphysics of Berkeley Critically Examined in the Light of Modern Philosophy (Mandleshwar, India: A. Kaveeshwar, 1933). International Journal of Ethics 45, 4 (1935): 494.

34.       “The Compound Individual.” Philosophical Essays for Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Otis H. Lee (New York: Longmans Green, 1936): 193-220. Chapter 4 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

35.       “The New Pantheism, I.” Christian Register 115, 8 (1936): 119-20; “The New Pantheism, II.” Christian Register 115, 9 (1936): 141-43.

36.       Review of D. Draghicesco. Vérité et Revelation, Vol. 2, (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1934). International Journal of Ethics 47, 1 (1936): 133-35. [cf. item 27].

37.       “The Philosophical Limitations of Humanism.” University Review 3, 4 (1937): 240-42. Chapter 11 of Reality as Social Process.

38.       Abstract: “Positivism as Anthropomorphism.” The Journal of Philosophy 34, 25 (1937): 685.

39.       Review of André Cresson. La Representation. (Paris: Boivin, 1936). Philosophical Review 47, 1 (1938): 90-91.

40.       Review of G. P. Adams, W. R. Dennes, J. Loewenberg, D. S. Mackay, P. Marhenke, S. C. Pepper, and E. W. Strong. Knowledge and Society (New York: Appleton-Century, 1938). Christian Century 55, 30 (1938): 917.

41.       Reply to [R. H., Jr.] Randall’s review of Beyond Humanism, in Journal of Philosophy 35, 5 (1938): 131-33.

42.       Review of Jacques Maritain. The Degrees of Knowledge (New York: Scribner’s, 1938). Christian Century 55 (1938): 1195. Also in Journal of Religion 19, 3 (1939): 267-69.

43.       “The Reality of the Past, the Unreality of the Future.” Hibbert Journal 37, 2 (1939): 246-57.

44.       Review of Wilhelm Keller. Der Sinnbegriff als Kategorie der Geisteswissenschaften (Munich: Ernst Reinhardt, 1937). Philosophical Review 48, 1 (1939): 95.

45.       Review of Rasvihari Das. The Philosophy of Whitehead (London: James Clarke and Co., 1964). Philosophical Review 48, 2 (1939): 230-31.

46.       Notes: Letter (Reply to Roger Holmes). Philosophical Review 68, 2 (1939): 243.

47.       “The Method of Imaginative Variations,” in “Notes Concerning Husserl.” Journal of Philosophy 36, 9 (1939): 233-34.

48.       “Are All Propositions about the Future either True or False?” Program of the American Philosophical Association (April 20-22, 1939): 26-32.

49.       Review of A.N. Whitehead. Modes of Thought (New York: Macmillan, 1938). Review of Religion 3, 4 (1939): 494-496.

50.       Discussion: “The Interpretation of Whitehead (Reply to John W. Blyth).” Philosophical Review 48, 4 (1939): 415-23. [cf. item 31].

51.       Review of James Bissett Pratt. Naturalism (New Haven: Yale UP, 1939). Journal of Religion 19, 3 (1939): 234-35.

52.       Review of Ralph Barton Perry. In the Spirit of William James (New Haven: Yale UP, 1938). Journal of Religion 19, 3 (1939): 247-48.

53.       Review of A. Campbell Garnett. Reality and Value (New Haven: Yale UP, 1937). The Scroll 37, 3 (1939): 93-95.

54.       “Husserl and the Social Structure of Immediacy.” Philosophical Essays in Memory of Edmund Husserl. Marvin Farber, ed. (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1940): 219-30.

55.       “Santayana’s Doctrine of Essence.” The Philosophy of George Santayana, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 2 (Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern UP, 1940): 135-82.

56.       “The Three Ideas of God.” Journal of Liberal Religion 1, 3 (1940): 9-16. Chapter 9 of Reality as Social Process.

57.       Review of Justus Buchler. Charles Peirce’s Empiricism (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939). Ethics 50, 2 (1940): 248.

58.       Review of Josef Maier. On Hegel’s Critique of Kant (New York: Columbia UP, 1939). Journal of Religion 20, 1 (1940): 106.

59.       Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed. The Philosophy of John Dewey. Library of Living Philosophers (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1939). Christian Century 42, 10 (1940): 313-15. Chapter 12 of Reality as Social Process.

60.       Review of Irwin Edman. Arts and the Man (New York: Norton, 1939). Ethics 50, 3 (1940): 369-70.

61.       Reviews of Arthur Hazard Dakin. Man the Measure (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1939); Archibald Allan Bowman, A Sacramental Universe. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1939). Ethics 50, 3 (1940): 363-66. 

62.       Review of Milton Karl Munitz. The Moral Philosophy of Santayana (New York: Columbia UP, 1939). Journal of Religion 20, 2 (1940): 196-98.

63.       Review of Charles M. Perry. Toward a Dimensional Realism (Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1939). Journal of Religion 20, 2 (1940): 214.

64.       Review of Theodore Meyer Greene. The Arts and the Art of Criticism (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1940). Ethics 51, 1 (1940): 116-17.

65.       “Whitehead’s Idea of God.” The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 3 (Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern UP, 1941): 513-59. Chapter 5 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

66.       “Charles Sanders Peirce’s Metaphysics of Evolution.” New England Quarterly 14, 1 (1941): 49-63.

67.       “Anthropomorphic Tendencies in Positivism.” Philosophy of Science 8, 2 (1941): 184-203.

68.       Review of Frederick J. E. Woodbridge. An Essay on Nature (New York: Columbia UP, 1940). Ethics 51, 4 (1941): 488-90.

69.       Review of DeWitt H. Parker. Experience and Substance (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1940). Christian Century 48, 27 (1941): 864. Also published in Philosophical Review 51, 5 (1942): 523-26.

70.       “A Critique of Peirce’s Idea of God.” Philosophical Review 50, 5 (1941): 516-23. See also, “Abstracts of Papers to be Read at the Joint Meeting of the Eastern and Western Divisions of the American Philosophical Association, Columbia U, December, 1939.” Journal of Philosophy 36, 25 (1939): 683-84.

71.       Review of Ledger Wood. The Analysis of Knowledge (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1941). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2, 1 (1941): 104-08.

72.       Review of Gustaf Stromberg. The Soul of the Universe (Philadelphia: David McKay P, 1940). Review of Religion 5, 3 (1941): 357-60.

73.       “A Philosophy of Democratic Defense.” Science, Philosophy, and Religion: Second Symposium (New York: Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Inc. 1942): 130-72.

74.       Review of Justus Buchler, ed. The Philosophy of Peirce: Selected Writings (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1940). Philosophical Review 51, 1 (1942): 92.

75.       Review of Etienne Gilson. God and Philosophy (New Haven: Yale UP, 1941). Journal of Religion 22, 2 (1942): 221-24.

76.       “Elements of Truth in the Group-Mind Concept.” Social Research 9, 2 (1942): 248-65. Chapter 3 of Reality as Social Process.

77.       Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed. The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1941). Religion in Life 11, 3 (1942): 469-70. Also published in Thought 17, 66 (1942): 545-47.

78.       Review of Stephen C. Pepper. World Hypotheses (Berkeley: U of California P, 1942). Ethics 53, 1 (1942): 73-75.

79.       “Organic and Inorganic Wholes.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 3, 2 (1942): 127-136. Notice in Program of the Fiftieth Anniversary Symposia (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1941): 12. Published as “A World of Organisms,” chapter 7 of Logic of Perfection. Republished in Process Philosophy: Basic Writings, eds. Jack R. Sibley and Pete A.Y. Gunter (Washington D.C.: UP of America, 1978): 275-96.

80.       Comment on “Democracy and the Rights of Man.” Science, Philosophy, and Religion: Second Symposium (New York: Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, Inc. 1942): 292.

81.       Review of John Blyth. Whitehead’s Theory of Knowledge (Providence: Brown UP, 1941). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 3, 3 (1943): 372-75.

82.       “Is Whitehead’s God the God of Religion?” [Suggested by Ely’s book, cf. item 85]. Ethics 53, 3 (1943): 219-27. Chapter 6 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

83.       Review of Lewis Edwin Hahn. A Contextualistic Theory of Perception (Berkeley: U of California P, 1942). Ethics 53, 3 (1943): 233.

84.       Review of Campbell Garnett. A Realistic Philosophy of Religion (Chicago: Willett Clark, 1942). Journal of Religion 23, 1 (1943): 70-71. Also published in Ethics 54, 1 (1943): 62-63.

85.       Review of Stephen Lee Ely. The Religious Availability of Whitehead’s God (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1942). Journal of Liberal Religion 5, 1 (1943): 55.

86.       Communication, Rejoinder: “Ely on Whitehead.” Journal of Liberal Religion 5, 2 (1943): 97-100.

87.       Discussion: “Reflections on the Strength and Weakness of Thomism.” Ethics 54, 1 (1943): 53-57.

88.       “A Mathematical Analysis of Theism.” Review of Religion 8, 1 (1943): 20-38. Revised as epilogue of Philosophers Speak of God, 499-514.

89.       Radio Discussion: “How Christians Should Think About Peace.” By Edwin Aubrey, Charles Hartshorne, and Bernard Loomer. Pamphlet. Chicago: U of Chicago Round Table (April 9, 1944): 20 pages.

90.       Review of K. R. Sreenivasa Iyengar. The Metaphysics of Value, Vol. 1. (Mysore: U of Mysore, 1942). Ethics 54, 3 (1944): 230-31.

91.       Review of John Elof Boodin. Religion of Tomorrow (New York: Philosophical Library, 1943). Ethics 54, 3 (1944): 233-34.

92.       “The Formal Validity and Real significance of the Ontological Argument.”  Philosophical Review 53, 3 (1944): 225-45. [cf. items 100 and 106].

93.      “Philosophy and Orthodoxy.” Ethics 54, 4 (1944): 295-98.

94.       Review of Werner Jaeger. Humanism and Theology (Milwaukee: Marquette UP, 1943). Journal of Religion 24, 3 (1944): 230.

95.      “God and Man not Rivals.” Journal of Liberal Religion 6, 2 (1944): 9-13.

96.       Abstract: “Beauty as Balance of Unity and Variety.” In Proceedings of The American Society for Aesthetics. First Annual Meeting. Cleveland, Ohio (Sept. 11-13, 1944): 29-30.

97.       Comments on “Philosophical Ideas and Enduring Peace,” 557; on “Philosophical Ideas and World Peace,” 597; on “In Quest of Worldly Wisdom,” 719-721. Approaches to World Peace, Fourth Symposium, eds. Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, and Robert M. MacIver (New York: Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, 1944).

98.       Review of Henry Alonzo Myers. The Spinoza-Hegel Paradox (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1944). Ethics 55, 1 (1944): 71-72.

99.       Review of Adhar Chandra Das. Negative Fact, Negation, and Truth (Calcutta: Calcutta UP, 1942). Ethics 55, 1 (1944): 77.

100.     Discussion: “On Hartshorne’s Formulation of the Ontological Argument: A Rejoinder [to Elton].” Philosophical Review 54, 1 (1945): 63-65. [cf. items 92 and 106].

101.     Entries in An Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Vergilius Ferm (New York: Philosophical Library, 1945): acosmism; analogy; anthropopathism; Aristotle and Aristotelianism; axiom; Berkeley, George; Carneades; cause; Copernican astronomy; eternal; eternity; ether; etiology, aetiology; foreknowledge, Divine; Gerson, Levi ben; God, as personal; Hume; infinite; Kant, Immanuel; omnipotence; omnipresence; omniscience; panentheism; panlogism; pantheism; Peirce, Charles Sanders; perfect, perfection; Ptolemaic astronomy; Renouvier, Charles; Spencer, Herbert; Spinoza, Benedict; time; transcendence; Whitehead, Alfred North.

102.     Review Article: “Efficient Causality in Aristotle and St. Thomas” by Francis X. Meehan’s book of the same title (Washington: Catholic UP, 1940). Journal of Religion 25, 1 (1945): 25-32. [cf. item 111].

103.     Review of Rudolf Jordan. Homo Sapiens Socialis (South Africa: Central News Agency, 1944). Ethics 55, 4 (1945): 312-13.

104.     Review of Jacques Maritain. The Dream of Descartes (New York: Philosophical Library, 1944). Ethics 55, 4 (1945): 321.

105.     Review of Vladimir Soloviev’s Lectures on Godmanhood (with Introduction by Peter Zouboff) (New York: International UP, 1944). Ethics 55, 4 (1945): 322.

106.     “Professor Hartshorne’s Syllogism: Rejoinder [to Elton].”  Philosophical Review 54, 5 (1945): 506-08. [cf. items 92 and 100].

107.     Review of K. F. Reinhardt. A Realistic Philosophy (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1944). Philosophical Review 54, 5 (1945): 521-22.

108.     “A New Philosophic Conception of the Universe.” Hibbert Journal 44, 1 (1945): 14-21. Chapter 1 of Reality as Social Process.

109.     Review of Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed. The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell. Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 5. (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1944). Journal of Religion 25, 4 (1945): 280-84. Chapter 13 of Reality as Social Process.

110.     Communication: “Reply to Father Meehan.” Journal of Religion 26, 1 (1946): 54-57. [cf. item 103].

111.     Review of Erich Frank. Philosophical Understanding and Religious Truth (London: Oxford UP, 1945). Review of Religion 10, 2 (1946): 182-89.

112.     Review of William Ernest Hocking. Science and the Idea of God (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1944). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6, 3 (1946): 453-57.

113.     “Relative, Absolute, and Superrelative: A Formal Analysis.” Philosophical Review 55, 3 (1946): 213-28. Chapter 6 of Reality as Social Process.

114.     “The Common Good and the Value Receptacle.” Program of the American Philosophical Association, Western Division (May 9-11, 1946): 10-11.

115.     “Tragic and Sublime Aspects of Christian Love.” Journal of Liberal Religion 8, 1 (1946): 36-44. Chapter 8 of Reality as Social Process.

116.     “Theological Values in Current Metaphysics.” Journal of Religion 26, 3 (1946): 157-67. Chapter 7 of Reality as Social Process.

117.     “Leibniz’s Greatest Discovery.” Journal of the History of Ideas 7, 4 (1946): 411-21.

118.     “Ideal Knowledge Defines Reality: What Was True in Idealism.” Journal of Philosophy 43, 21 (1946): 573-82. See also: Correction of “Ideal Knowledge Defines Reality.” Journal of Philosophy 43, 26 (1946): 724.

119.     Review of Henri Bergson. The Creative Mind. Trans. Mabelle L. Andison (New York: Philosophy Library, 1946). Journal of Religion 27, 1 (1947): 64-65.

120.     Review of José Ortega y Gasset. Concord and Liberty (New York: Norton, 1946). Christian Century 64, 7 (1947): 207.

121.     Review of Gustav Theodor Fechner. Religion of a Scientist: Selections from Fechner, ed. and trans. Walter Lowrie (New York: Pantheon, 1946). Journal of Religion 27, 2 (1947): 126-28.

122.     Review of Nels F. S. Ferré. Faith and Reason (New York: Harper, 1946). Review of Religion 11, 4 (1947): 409-13.

123.     Review of Martin Foss. The Idea of Perfection in the Western World (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1946). Journal of Modern History 19, 2 (1947): 15.

124.     “God as Absolute, Yet Related to All.” Review of Metaphysics 1, 1 (1947): 24-51.

125.     Review of Henry N. Wieman et al. Religious Liberals Reply (Boston: Beacon P, 1947). Christian Register 126, 9 (1947): 412-13.

126.     Review of A. H. Johnson. The Wit and Wisdom of Whitehead (Boston: Beacon P, 1947). Christian Register 126, 10 (1947): 446.

127.     “Two Levels of Faith and Reason.” Journal of Bible and Religion 16, 1 (1948): 30-38. See also Program of Week of Work of the National Council on Religion in Higher Education (1947): 16. Chapter 10 of Reality as Social Process.

128.     Review of Paul Weiss. Nature and Man (New York: Henry Holt, 1947). Ethics 58, 2 (1948): 143-44.

129.     Review of Campbell Garnett. God in Us: A Liberal Christian Philosophy of Religion for the General Reader (Chicago: Willett Clark, 1945). Ethics 58, 2 (1948): 151.

130.     “The Rationalistic Criterion in Metaphysics.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8, 3 (1948): 436-47.

131.     “Existential Propositions and the Law of Categories.” Fascicule 1, Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy, eds. E. W. Beth et al. (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1948): 342-44.

132.     “Aesthetics of Color.” Program: Research in Textiles, Clothing, and Related Art (March 19-20, 1948): 2.

133.     Review of Jean Wahl. The Philosopher’s Way (New York: Oxford UP, 1948). Philosophical Review 57, 5 (1948): 509-11.

134.     “Ein theologisches Paradoxon. I Die Wissensform des Paradoxons. II Die Willensform des Paradoxons.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 59, 2 (1949): 250-51.

135.     “Noch einmal die Zufälligkeit der Welt und Notwendigkeit Gottes: Erwiderung an Dr. Ferdinand Bergenthal.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 59, 2 (1949): 355-56.

136.     “Ob Göttliches Wissen um die weltliche Existenz notwendig sein kann: Eine Erwiderung.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 60, 4 (1950): 469-71.

137.     “The Synthesis of Idealism and Realism.” Theoria (Sweden) 15 (1949): 90-107. Chapter 4 of Reality as Social Process; chapter 8, section B of Zero Fallacy.

138.     “Chance, Love, and Incompatibility.” Presidential Address, Western Division of the American Philosophical Association meeting at Columbus, Ohio, April 29, 1949. Philosophical Review 58, 5 (1949): 429-50. Chapter 5 of Reality as Social Process.

139.     Review of Otis Lee. Existence and Inquiry (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1949). Review of Metaphysics 3, 1 (1949): 107-14.

140.     “Panpsychism.” A History of Philosophical Sys­tems, ed. Vergilius Ferm (New York: Philosophical Library, 1950): 442-53.

141.     “Le Principe de relativité philosophique chez Whitehead.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55, 1 (1950): 16-29. Lecture originally delivered at the Sorbonne, Feb. 4, 1949, announced in Bulletin. EC 1959. Translation by D. W. Viney, “The Philosophical Principle of Relativity in Whitehead” in Process Studies 40/1 (Spring/Summer 2011): 91-103.

142.     “The Divine Relativity and Absoluteness: A Reply [to John Wild].” Review of Metaphysics 4, 1 (1950): 31-60.

143.     “God in General Philosophical Thought.” [article in Hebrew] The Encyclopedia Hebraica 3 (1951) [Jewish Calendar 5711], Jerusalem: Encyclopedia Publishing Company, 1951: 467-78.

144.     “Strict and Genetic Identity: An Illustration of the Relations of Logic to Metaphysics.” Structure, Method, and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer, eds. Horace M. Kallen et al. (New York: Liberal Arts P, 1951): 242-54.

145.     “Philosophy of Religion in the United States.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11, 3 (1951): 406-10. French translation, “La Philosophie de la religion aux Etats-Unis,” in Les Etudes Philosophiques 7, 1-2 (1952): 50-56.

146.     Discussion: “Arthur Berndtson on Mystical Experience.” Personalist 32, 2 (1951): 191-93.

147.     Review of Kelvin Van Nuys. Science and Cosmic Purpose (New York: Harper, 1949). Review of Religion 16, 1-2 (1951): 79-84.

148.     “The Relativity of Nonrelativity: Some Reflections on Firstness.” Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, eds. Philip P. Wiener and Frederic H. Young (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1952): 215-24.

149.     “Radhakrishnan on Mind, Matter, and God.” The Philosophy of Saevepalli Radhakrishnan, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 8. (New York: Tudor, 1952): 315-22.

150.     “Tillich’s Doctrine of God.” The Theology of Paul Tillich. The Library of Living Theology, Vol. 1, eds. Charles W. Kegley and Robert W. Bretall (New York: Macmillan, 1952): 164-95.

151.    “Time, Death, and Eternal Life.” Journal of Religion 32, 2 (1952): 97-107. Reprinted in Classical and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Religion. 2nd ed. John Hick (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970): 357-69. Incorporated into chapter 10 of Logic of Perfection.

152.     Review of Georg Siegmund. Naturordnung als Quelle der Gotteserkenntnis: Neubegründung des theologischen Gottesbeweises (Freiburg: Herder, 1950). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12, 4 (1952): 584-85.

153.     “Politics and the Metaphysics of Freedom.” Enquête sur la liberté, Fédération internationale des sociétés de philosophie. Publié avec le concours de l’u.n.e.s.c.o (Paris: Hermann, 1953): 79-85. Chapter 13 of Creative Experiencing.

154.     “Noch einmal, das Wissen Gottes.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 62, 2 (Freiburg-München: Verlag Karl Alber, 1953): 409-11.

155.     “Spirit as Life Freely Participating in Life.” Biosophical Review 10, 2 (1953): 31-32.

156.     “The Monistic Theory of Expression.” Journal of Philosophy 50, 14 (1953): 425-34.

157.     Review of John Wisdom. Philosophy and Psycho-Analysis (New York: Philosophical Library, 1953). Ethics 63, 4 (1953): 317-18.

158.     Discussion: “The Immortality of the Past: Critique of a Prevalent Misinterpretation.” Review of Metaphysics 7, 1 (1953): 98-112.

159.     Symposium: “Are Religious Dogmas Cognitive and Meaningful?” Journal of Philosophy 51, 5 (1954): 148-50.

160.     Review of Risieri Frondizi. The Nature of the Self (New Haven: Yale UP, 1953). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14, 3 (1954): 419-20.

161.     “The Kinds of Theism: A Reply [to Taubes].” Journal of Religion 34, 2 (1954): 127-31.

162.     “Mind, Matter, and Freedom.” Scientific Monthly 78, 5 (1954): 314-20. Chapter 8 of Logic of Perfection.

163.     Review Article: “Whitehead’s Philosophy of Reality as Socially-Structured Process” (apropos Alfred North Whitehead: An Anthology, selected by F.S.C. Northrop and Mason Gross [New York: Macmillan, 1953]). Chicago Review 8, 2 (1954): 60-77. Chapter 7 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

164.     Review of F. W. Eggleston. Reflections of an Australian Liberal (Melbourne: Cheshire, 1953). Ethics 64, 4 (1954): 332.

165.     “Biology and the Spiritual View of the World: A Comment on Dr. Birch’s Paper.” Christian Scholar 37, 3 (1954): 408-09.

166.     “Russian Metaphysics: Some Reactions to Zenkovsky’s History.” Review of Metaphysics 8, 1 (1954): 61-78. Incorporated into chapter 11 of Logic of Perfection.

167.     “Causal Necessities: An Alternative to Hume.” Philosophical Review 63, 4 (1954): 479-99.

168.     Review of J. Defever, S. J. La Preuve réelle de Dieu (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1953). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15, 2 (1954): 285-86.

169.     Review of Brand Blanshard. The Nature of Thought (London: Allen and Unwin, 1959). Philosophische Rundschau 3, 1-2 (1955): 119-20.

170.     “Process as Inclusive Category: A Reply [to John E. Smith].” Journal of Philosophy 52, 4 (1955): 94-102.

171.     Review of Eranos et al. Spirit and Nature, Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, vol. 1. (New York: Pantheon, 1954). Journal of Religion 35, 2 (1955): 106-07.

172.     Review of Wilmon Henry Sheldon. God and Polarity (New Haven: Yale UP, 1954). Philosophical Review 64, 2 (1955): 312-16. Chapter 15 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

173.     Panel Discussion: 1955 Edward Gallahue Seminar in Religion and Psychology at the Menninger Foundation. Passim. [Mimeographed.]

174.     “Some Empty Though Important Truths: A Preface to Metaphysics.” Review of Metaphysics 8, 4 (1955): 553-68. Reprinted in American Philosophers at Work: The Philosophic Scene in the United States, ed. Sidney Hook (New York: Criterion Books, 1956): 225-35. Chapter 12 of Logic of Perfection.

175.     “The Unity of Man and the Unity of Nature.” Emory University Quarterly 11, 3 (1955): 129-41. Chapter 13 of Logic of Perfection.

176.     “Royce’s Mistake and Achievement.” Journal of Philosophy 53, 3 (1956): 123-30. Chapter 6 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

177.     Panel Discussion: 1956 Edward Gallahue Seminar in Religion and Psychology at the Menninger Foundation. Passim. [Mimeographed.]

178.     “Comments on Stallknecht’s Theses.” (Colloquium No. 8). Review of Metaphysics 9, 3 (1956): 464-65.

179.     Review of Robert Leet Patterson. Irrationalism and Rationalism in Religion (Durham: Duke UP, 1954). Review of Religion 20, 3-4 (1956): 211-13.

180.     “The Idea of God—Literal or Analogical?” Christian Scholar 29, 2 (1956): 131-36. Chapter 3 of Logic of Perfection.

181.     Discussion: “New Propositions and New Truths.” Review of Metaphysics 9, 4 (1956): 656-61.

182.     “Two Strata of Meaning in Religious Discourse.” Symposium on Philosophy of Religion, Southern Philosopher 5, 3 (1956): 4-7. Expanded in Logic of Perfection as chapter 4, “Three Strata of Meaning of Religious Discourse.” [cf. item 282].

183.     “Some Reflections Suggested by H. Wolfson’s Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. I: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation.” (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1956). Collection of Reviews, Southern Society for Philosophy of Religion, J. R. Cresswell, Bibliographer (1957): 1-10. [Mimeographed]

184.     “Whitehead and Berdyaev: Is there Tragedy in God?” Journal of Religion 37, 2 (1957): 71-84. Chapter 13 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

185.     Review of William Ernest Hocking. The Coming World Civilization (New York: Harper, 1956). Chicago Theological Seminary Register 47, 5 (1957): 21-22. Also published in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17, 4 (1957): 562-63.

186.     Review of Gerda Walter. Phänomenologie der Mystik (Olten und Freiburg im Breisgau: Walter-Verlag, 1955). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18, 1 (1957): 140-41.

187.     “Charles Peirce, Philosopher-Scientist.” Charles Sanders Peirce Symposium, No.1.  Journal of Public Law 7, 1 (1958): 2-12.

188.     “Whitehead on Process: A Reply to Professor Eslick.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18, 4 (1958): 514-20.

189.     “Science, Insecurity, and the Abiding Treasure.” Journal of Religion 38, 3 (1958): 168-74. Abridged version in The Spirit of American Philosophy: An Anthology, selected, edited, and introduced by Gerald E. Myers (New York: Capricorn Books, 1971): 327-32. Incorporated into chapter 9 of Logic of Perfection.

190.     “Outlines of a Philosophy of Nature, Part I.” Personalist 39, 3 (1958): 239-48. “Outlines of a Philosophy of Nature, Part II.” Personalist 39, 4 (1958): 380-91.

191.     “Freedom Requires Indeterminism and Universal Causality.” Journal of Philosophy 55, 19 (1958): 793-811. Chapter 6 of Logic of Perfection.

192.     “Metaphysical Statements as Nonrestrictive and Existential.” Review of Metaphysics 12, 1 (1958): 35-47. Chapter 8 of Creative Synthesis.

193.     “The Logical Structure of Givenness.” Philosophical Quarterly [Scotland] 8, 33 (1958): 307-16.

194.     “The Philosophy of Creative Synthesis.” Journal of Philosophy 55, 22 (1958): 944-53.  Reprinted in Americana: A Monthly Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences [Tokyo] 5, 8 (1959): 80-90. Tokyo, U.S.I.S. In Japanese. EC 1968. Part of chapter 1 of Creative Synthesis. [cf. items 219, 220, and 414]

195.     Discussion: “The Structure of Metaphysics: A Criticism of Lazerowitz’s Theory.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19, 2 (1958): 226-40. Incorporated into chapter 5 of Wisdom as Moderation.

196.     “Four Unrefuted Forms of the Ontological Argument.” Journal of Philosophical Studies [Kyoto, Japan] 40, 1 (1959): 1-15. In Japanese, with English Summary. [Summer 1958, Kyoto American Studies Seminar—in English.]

197.     “A Philosopher’s Assessment of Christianity.” Religion and Culture: Essays in Honor of Paul Tillich, ed. Walter Leibrecht (New York: Harper, 1959): 167-80.

198.     “John Wisdom On ‘Gods’: Two Views of the Logic of Theism.” Downside Review [Bath, England] (1958-1959): 5-17. Chapter 5 of Logic of Perfection.

199.     “The Principle of Shared Creativity.” Unitarian Symposia No. 6, What Can Religion Offer Modern Man? (1959): 1-8.

200.     “Freedom, Individuality, and Beauty in Nature.” Snowy Egret 24, 2 (1960): 5-14. [Mimeographed] Chapter 9 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

201.     “Equalitarianism and the Great Inequalities.” Emory Alumnus 36, 7 (1960): 24-25, 49.

202.     “Jinsei no mokuteki” (“The Aim of Life.”) Trans. Toshio Mikoda, Tetsugaku Kenkyu [Journal of Philosophical Studies, Japan] 41, 2 (1960): 1-13.

203.     “The Buddhist-Whiteheadian View of the Self and the Religious Traditions.” Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress for the History of Religions (Tokyo and Kyoto: Maruzen, 1960 [1958]): 298-302.

204.     “Whitehead and Contemporary Philosophy.” The Relevance of Whitehead: Philosophical Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Ivor Leclerc (London: Allen and Unwin, 1961): 21-43. Chapter 10 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

205.     “Metaphysics and the Modality of Existential Judgments.” The Relevance of Whitehead: Philosophical Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Ivor Leclerc (London: Allen and Unwin, 1961): 107-21.

206.     “Hume’s Metaphysics and Its Present-Day Influence.” New Scholasticism 35, 2 (1961): 152-71. Chapter 13 of Insights and Oversights.

207.     “The Social Structure of Experience.” Philosophy 36, 137 (1961): 97-111.

208.     “The Structure of Givenness.” Philosophical Forum 18 (1960-1961): 22-39. Chapter 16 of Creativity in American Philosophy. Reprinted as Appendix 2 of Hartshorne and Brightman on God.

209.     “God’s Existence: A Conceptual Problem.” Religious Experience and Truth: A Symposium, ed. Sidney Hook (New York University Press, 1961): 211-19.

210.     Discussion: “Professor Hall on Perception.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21, 4 (1961): 563-71.

211.     “Tillich and the Other Great Tradition.” Anglican Theological Review 43, 3 (1961): 245-59. Part of chapter 7 in Creative Synthesis.

212.     “The Logic of the Ontological Argument.” Journal of Philosophy 58, 17 (1961): 471-73.

213.     Discussion: “Absolute Objects and Relative Subjects: A Reply [to F. H. Parker].”  Review of Metaphysics 15, 1 (1961): 174-88.

214.     “Man in Nature.” Experience, Existence, and the Good: Essays in Honor of Paul Weiss, ed. Irwin C. Lieb (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1961): 89-99.

215.     “Whitehead, the Anglo-American Philosopher-Scientist.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (Washington: Catholic U of America, 1961): 163-71. Chapter 9 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

216.     Introduction to Second Edition, Saint Anselm: Basic Writings. Trans. S. W. Deane (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company, 1962): 1-19.

217.     “The Modern World and a Modern View of God.” Crane Review 4, 2 (1962): 73-85. Also in Philosophy of Religion: Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Norbert O. Schedler (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974): 469-79. Chapter 5 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

218.     “What Did Anselm Discover?” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 17, 3 (1962): 213-222. An expanded version published in The Many-Faced Argument, eds. John Hick and Arthur C. McGill (New York: Macmillan, 1967): 321-33. The 1962 version of the paper is reprinted as chapter 8 of Insights and Oversights.

219.     “La Creatividad Participada.” Trans. Sira Jaén. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 3, 11 (1962): 237-44. Spanish version of most of chapter 1 of Creative Synthesis. [cf. items 194, 220, and 414]

220.     “Religion and Creative Experience.” Darshana, an International Quarterly of Philosophy, Psychology, Psychical Research, Religion, Mysticism, and Sociology [India] 2, 1 (1962): 47-52. Also in Unitarian Register and Universalist Leader 141, 6 (1962): 9-11. Part of Chapter 1 of Creative Synthesis. Chapter 3 of Hartshorne: A New World View. [cf. items 194, 219, and 414]

221.     “Mind as Memory and Creative Love.” Theories of the Mind, ed. Jordan M. Scher (New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1962): 440-63.

222.     Discussion: “How Some Speak and Yet Do Not Speak of God.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23, 2 (1962): 274-76. Part of chapter 5 of Wisdom as Moderation.

223.     “Individual Differences and the Ideal of Equality.” New South 18, 2 (1963): 3-8. Chapter 14 of Zero Fallacy.

224.     “Alternative Conceptions of God.” Religious Belief and Philosophical Thought. ed. William P. Alston (New York: Harcourt, Brace, & World, 1963): 320-37. Reprinted from Man’s Vision of God.

225.     “Further Fascination of the Ontological Argument: Replies to Richardson.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 18, 3 [Part I] (1963): 244-45.

226.     “Whitehead’s Novel Intuition.” Alfred North Whitehead: Essays On His Philosophy, ed. George L. Kline (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963): 18-26. Chapter 11 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

227.     “Sensation in Psychology and Philosophy.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 1, 2 (1963): 3-14.

228.    “Rationale of the Ontological Proof” [Reply to John Hick]. Theology Today 20, 2 (1963): 278-83.

229.     “Whitehead’s Conception of God” and “Whitehead’s Theory of Prehension.” In Actas: Segundo Congreso Extraordinario Inter-americano de Filosofía, 22-26 Julio, 1961 (San José, Costa Rica: Imprenta Nacional, 1963 [misprinted 1962]): 163-170.

230.     Communication: “Finite or Finite-Infinite?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24, 1 (1963): 149.

231.    “Real Possibility.” Journal of Philosophy 60, 21 (1963): 593-605.

232.     “Present Prospects for Metaphysics.” The Monist 47, 2 (1963): 188-210. Reprinted in Process Philosophy: Basic Writings, eds. Jack R. Sibley and Pete A. Y. Gunter (Washington D.C.: UP of America, 1978): 199-212. Chapter 3 of Creative Synthesis.

233.     “Man’s Fragmentariness.” Wesleyan Studies in Religion 41, 6 (1963-1964): 17-28. Chapter 6 of Wisdom as Moderation.

234.     “Abstract and Concrete in God: A Reply [to Julian Hartt].” Review of Metaphysics 17, 2 (1963): 289-95.

235.     “Santayana’s Defiant Eclecticism.” Journal of Philosophy 61, 1 (1964): 35-44. Reprinted in Animal Faith and Spiritual Life, ed. John Lachs (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967): 33-43. Chapter 10 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

236.     “Thinking About Thinking Machines.” Texas Quarterly 7, 1 (1964): 131-40.

237.     Discussion: “What the Ontological Proof Does Not Do.” Review of Metaphysics 17, 4 (1964): 608-09.

238.     “From Colonial Beginnings to Philosophical Greatness.” The Monist 48, 3 (1964): 317-31. Chapter 1 of Creativity in American Philosophy. Chapter 7 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

239.     Comments and Criticism: “Deliberation and Excluded Middle.” Journal of Philosophy 61, 16 (1964): 476-77.

240.    Replies to “Interrogation of Charles Hartshorne, conducted by William Alston.” Philosophical Interrogations, eds. Sydney and Beatrice Rome (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1964): 321-54. Questions to: John Wild, 158-160; Brand Blanshard, 205; Paul Tillich, 374-375.

241.     “Is God’s Existence a State of Affairs?” Faith and the Philosophers, ed. John Hick (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1964): 26-33.

242.     “El valor como disfrute del contraste y la teoría acumulativa del proceso.” Trans. J. L. González, Dianoia, Annuario de Filosofía 10 (1964): 182-194.

243.     “Charles Peirce’s ‘One Contribution to Philosophy’ and His Most Serious Mistake.” Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. Second Series, eds. Edward G. Moore and Richard S. Robin (Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1964): 455-74.

244.     “Negative Facts and the Analogical Inference to ‘Other Mind’.” Dr. S. Radhakrishan Souvenir Volume, eds. Prof. J. P. Atreya et al. (Moradabad [India]: Darshana International, 1964): 147-52. Chapter 3 of Creative Experiencing.

245.   “The Idea of a Worshipful Being.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 2, 4 (1964): 165-67.

246.    “God as the Supreme Relativity.” Japanese Religions 4, 1 (1964): 30-33.

247.     “The Necessarily Existent.” The Ontological Argument, ed. Alvin Plantinga (New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1965): 123-35. Reprinted in Philosophy of Religion, eds. George L. Abernethy and Thomas A. Langford, 2nd ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1968): 238-47. Chapter 9 of Man’s Vision of God.

248.    “The Meaning of ‘Is Going to Be’.” Mind 74, 293 (1965): 46-58. Reprinted in John Martin Fischer and Patrick Todd (eds.), Freedom, Fatalism, and Foreknowledge (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015): 305-16. Chapter 8 of Creative Experiencing.

249.     “The Theistic Proofs.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 20, 2 (1965): 115-29. Chapter 2 of Natural Theology.

250.     “Abstract and Concrete Approaches to Deity.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 20, 3 (1965): 265-70.

251.     “A Metaphysics of Individualism.” Innocence and Power: Individualism in Twentieth-Century America, ed. Gordon Mills (Austin: U of Texas P, 1965): 131-46.

252.     “Determinism, Memory, and the Metaphysics of Becoming.” Pacific Philosophy Forum 4, 4 (1965): 81-85.

253.     “The Social Theory of Feelings.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 3, 2 (1965): 87-93. Reprinted in Persons, Privacy, and Feeling: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind, ed. Dwight Van de Vate, Jr. (Memphis: Memphis State UP, 1970): 39-51.

254.     “The Development of Process Philosophy.” Introduction to Philosophers of Process, ed. Douglas Browning (New York: Random House, 1965): v-xii. Also published in Process Theology: Basic Writings, ed. Ewert H. Cousins (New York: Newman P, 1971): 47-64. Chapter 11 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

255.     “Religious Aspects of Necessity and Contingency.” Great Issues Concerning Theism, ed. Charles H. Manson, Jr. (Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1965): 147-64. Reprinted in And More About God, eds. Lewis M. Rogers and Charles H. Monson, Jr. (Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1969): 145-61.

256.     “Criteria for Ideas of God.” Rice University Studies 51, 4 (1965): 85-95. Also in Insight and Vision: Essays in Philosophy in Honor of Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff, ed. Konstantin Kolenda (San Antonio: Principia P of Trinity University, 1966): 85-95.

257.     “Comment.” The Creative Advance, by Eugene H. Peters (St. Louis: Bethany P, 1966): 133-43.

258.     “The Two Possible Philosophical Definitions of God.” In Actas: XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía, volumen 9 (Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1966): 121.

259.     “A New Look at the Problem of Evil.” Current Philosophical Issues: Essays in Honor of Curt John Ducasse, ed. Frederick C. Dommeyer (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1966): 201-12.

260.     “Idealism and Our Experience of Nature.” Philosophy, Religion, and the Coming World Civilization: Essays in Honor of William Ernest Hocking, ed. Leroy S. Rouner (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966): 70-80. Chapter 12 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

261.     “Tillich and the Non-theological Meaning of Theological Terms.” Religion in Life 35, 5 (1966): 674-85. Reprinted in Paul Tillich: Retrospect and Future [pamphlet]. (Nashville: Abingdon P, 1966): 19-30.

262.     “Some Reflections on Metaphysics and Language.” Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 2, 1 (1966): 20-32.

263.     “Is the Denial of Existence Ever Contradictory?” Journal of Philosophy 63, 4 (1966): 85-93. Author’s abstract in The Review of Metaphysics 19, 4 (1966): 836.

264.     “The Idea of Creativity in American Philosophy.” Journal of Kamatak University [India]: Social Sciences II (1966): 1-13. Chapter 8 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

265.     Review of N. S. Srivastava. Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Delhi: M.R.M. Lal, 1965). Research Journal of Philosophy (Ranchi University [India]) 1, 1 (1966): 110-11.

266.     “Religion in Process Philosophy.” Religion in Philosophical and Cultural Perspective, eds. J. Clayton Feaver and William Horosz (Princeton, New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Co, 1967): 246-58.

267.     “Royce and the Collapse of Idealism.” Revue internationale de philosophie 23, 79-80 (1967, Fasc. 1-2): 46-59.

268.     “Kagaku, Geijyutsu, Shukyo-Kofuku no Gensen to shite no.” (“Science, Art, and Religion as Sources of Happiness.”) Trans. Matao Noda. Japan-American Forum 13, 3 (1967): 47-66.

269.     “God and the Social Structure of Reality,” “The Significance of Man in the Life of God,” and Answers to Questions. Theology in Crisis: A Colloquium on ‘The Credibility of God’ (New Concord, Ohio: Muskingum College, 1967): 19-32, 40-43, 44-50.

270.    “Pantheism.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 17 (1967): 233-34.

271.     “Psychology and the Unity of Knowledge.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 5, 2 (1967): 81-90.

272.     “The Dipolar Conception of Deity.” Review of Metaphysics 21, 2 (1967): 273-89.

273.    “Necessity.” Review of Metaphysics 21, 2 (1967): 290-96.

274.    “Rejoinder to Purtill.” Review of Metaphysics 21, 2 (1967): 308-09.

275.     “Martin Buber’s Metaphysics.” The Philosophy of Martin Buber, eds. Paul Arthur Schilpp and Maurice Friedman. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 12 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1967): 49-68. Also published as “Martin Buber’s Metaphysik” in Martin Buber, herausgegeben von Schilpp u. Friedman (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 1963): 42-61.          

276.     “What Metaphysics Is.” Journal of Kamatak University: Social Sciences III (1967): 1-15. Chapter 2 of Creative Synthesis; Chapter 6 of Zero Fallacy.

277.     “The Irreducibly Modal Structure of the Argument.” The Many-Faced Argument, eds. John Hick and Arthur C. McGill (New York: Macmillan, 1967): 334-40. Reprinted from chapter 2, part VI of Logic of Perfection.

278.     “Process Philosophy as a Resource for Christian Thought.” Philosophical Resources for Christian Thought, ed. Perry LeFevre (Nashville: Abingdon P, 1968): 44-66.

279.     “The Divine Relativity.” Philosophy of Religion, eds. George L. Abernethy and Thomas A. Langford. 2nd ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1968): 321-29. From Divine Relativity.

280.     “Order and Chaos.” The Concept of Order, ed. Paul G. Kuntz (Seattle: U of Washington P, 1968): 253-67.

281.     “Three Strata of Meaning in Religious Discourse.” Philosophy and Religion: Some Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Jerry H. Gill (Minneapolis: Burgess, 1968): 173-82. Chapter 4 of Logic of Perfection. [cf. item 183].

282.     “The Aesthetics of Birdsong.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26, 3 (1968): 311-15.

283.     “Kant’s Refutation Still Not Convincing: A Reply [to W. H. Baumer].” The Monist 52, 2 (1968): 312-16.

284.     “Lewis’s Treatment of Memory.” The Philosophy of C. I. Lewis, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 13 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1968): 395-414. Chapter 13 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

285.     “Armchair and Laboratory: A Philosopher Looks at Psychology.” Newsletter, Division 24 of the American Psychological Association 2, 3 (1968): 1-4. [Excerpt from an address given as president of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 1963.]

286.     “Born Equal: The Importance and Limitations of an Ideal.” Parables and Problems (Winona, Minnesota: College of St. Teresa, 1968): 59-71. [Mimeographed]

287.    “The Case for Idealism.” Philosophical Forum 1, 1 (1968): 7-23. Chapter 6 of Creative Experiencing.

288.     “The God of Religion and the God of Philosophy.” Talk of God: Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, Vol. Two¾1967-1968 (London: Macmillan, 1969): 152-67. Originally Broadcast Monday, June 10, 1968, BBC London Third Programme, The Listener.

289.     “Duality versus Dualism and Monism.” Japanese Religions 5, 1 (1969): 51-63.

290.     “Leibniz und das Geheimnis der Materie.” Studia Leibnitiana: Akten des Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, 14-19 November 1966, Band II: Mathematik-Naturwissenschaften (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, 1969): 166-75.

291.     “Whitehead in French Perspective: A Review Article.” [Review of Alix Parmentier, La Philosophie de Whitehead et le problème de Dieu (Paris: Beauchesne, 1968)]. Thomist 33, 3 (1969): 573-81.

292.     Response to Directives from Charles Hartshorne and Henry Nelson Wieman Critically Analyzed: Philosophy of Creativity Monograph Series, Vol. 1, ed. William S. Minor (Carbondale: The Foundation for Creative Philosophy, Inc., 1969): 33-42.

293.     “Divine Absoluteness and Divine Relativity.” Transcendence, eds. Herbert W. Richardson and Donald R. Cutler (Boston: Beacon P, 1969): 164-71.

294.     “Metaphysics in North America.” Contemporary Philosophy: A Survey, ed. Raymond Klibansky (Florence: La Nuova Italia Editrice, 1969): 36-49.

295.     “Whitehead and Ordinary Language.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 7, 4 (1969-1970): 437-45. Chapter 12 of Whitehead’s Philosophy.

296.     Preface of Berdyaev’s Philosophy of History, ed. David Bonner Richardson (The Hague: Martinus Nihjoff, 1970): ix-xiii.

297.    “Why Study Birds?” Virginia Quarterly Review 46, 1 (1970): 133-40.

298.     “Recollections of Famous Philosophers and Other Important Persons.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 8, 1 (1970): 67-82. Chapter 13 of Darkness and Light.

299.     “Two Forms of Idolatry.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1, 1 (1970): 3-15.

300.    “Six Theistic Proofs.” Monist 54, 2 (1970): 159-80. Chapter 14 of Creative Synthesis.

301.     “Equality, Freedom, and the Insufficiency of Empiricism.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 1, 3 (1970): 20-27.

302.     “Eternity,” “Absolute,” “God.” Prophetic Voices: Ideas and Words on Revolution, ed. Ned O’Gorman (New York: Random House, 1969; New York: Vintage Books, 1970): 130-48.

303.     “The Development of My Philosophy.” Contemporary American Philosophy: Second Series, ed. John E. Smith (London: Allen & Unwin, 1970): 211-28.

304.     “Ontological Primacy: A Reply to Buchler.” Journal of Philosophy 67, 23 (1970): 979-86. Reprinted in Explorations in Whitehead’s Philosophy, eds. Lewis S. Ford and George L. Kline (New York: Fordham UP, 1983): 295-303.

305.     “Charles Hartshorne’s Recollections of Editing the Peirce Papers.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 6, 3-4 (1970): 149-59.

306.     “Deity as the Inclusive Transcendence.” Evolution in Perspective: Commentaries in Honor of Pierre Lecomte du Noüy, eds. George N. Shuster and Ralph E. Thorson (Notre Dame and London: U of Notre Dame P, 1970): 155-60.

307.     “The Formally Possible Doctrines of God.” Classical and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Religion, ed. John Hick. Second Edition. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970): 336-57. Also printed in Process Philosophy and Christian Thought, eds. Delwin Brown, Ralph E. James, Jr., and Gene Reeves (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971): 188-214. Chapter 1 of Man’s Vision of God.

308.     “Mind and Matter in Ryle, Ayer, and C. I. Lewis.” Idealistic Studies 1, 1 (1971): 13-32. Chapter 24 of Insights and Oversights.

309.     “Are There Absolutely Specific Universals?” Journal of Philosophy 68, 3 (1971): 76-78.

310.     “Can Man Transcend His Animality?” The Monist 55, 2 (1971): 208-217. Chapter 7 of Wisdom as Moderation.

311.    “Selfishness in Man.” PHP [Peace Happiness Prosperity] 1, 8 (1971): 24-25.

312.     “Could There Have Been Nothing? A Reply [to Houston Craighead].”  Process Studies 1, 1 (1971): 25-28.

313.     “Expression and Association.” Artistic Expression, ed. John Hospers (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971): 204-17. Chapter 5, Section 23 of Philosophy and Psychology of Sensation.

314.     “Obligability and Determinism.” Journal of Social Philosophy 2, 2 (1971): 1-2. Reprinted in Philosophy for a Changing Society, ed. Creighton Peden (Reynoldsburg, Ohio: Advocate Publishing Co., 1982): 95-96.

315.     “Philosophical and Religious Uses of ‘God’.” Process Theology: Basic Writings, ed. Ewert H. Cousins (New York: Newman P, 1971): 101-18. Chapter 1 of Natural Theology.

316.     “Can There Be Proofs for the Existence of God?” Religious Language and Knowledge, eds. Robert H. Ayers and William T. Blackstone (Athens: U of Georgia P, 1972): 62-75. Chapter 10 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

317.     “Mortimer Adler as Philosopher: A Criticism and Appreciation.” American Scholar 41, 2 (1972): 269-74. Chapter 19 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

318.     “A Conversation with Charles Hartshorne at Hiram College.” Edited by Eugene Peters. Eclectic: A Journal of Ideas 1, 1 (1972): 1-18.

319.     Review of Paul Ramsay. Fabricated Man (New Haven: Yale UP, 1970). Philosophy Forum 12, 1 & 2 (1972): 149-52.

320.     Review of Paul Weiss. The God We Seek (Carbondale: Southern Illinois P, 1964). Review of Metaphysics 25 [supplement] (1972): 108-16. Chapter 19 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

321.    “Personal Identity from A to Z.” Process Studies 2, 3 (1972): 209-15.

322.     Feature Book Review: “Some Thoughts Suggested by [Irwin C.] Lieb’s Four Faces of Man.” (Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1971). International Philosophical Quarterly 13, 1 (1973): 131-34.

323.     “Some Thoughts on ‘Souls’ and Neighborly Love.” Anglican Theological Review 55, 2 (1973): 144-47.

324.     “Analysis and Cultural Lag in Philosophy.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 11, 2-3 (1973): 105-12.

325.     “Being and Becoming: Review of Harold N. Lee. Percepts, Concepts, and Theoretic Knowledge.” Review of Books and Religion 2, 9 (1973): 7.

326.     “Process and the Nature of God.” Traces of God in a Secular Culture, ed. George F. McLean, O.M.I (New York: Alba House, 1973): 117-41.

327.     “Creativity and the Deductive Logic of Causality.” Review of Metaphysics 27, 1 (1973): 62-74. Chapter 7 of Creative Experiencing.

328.     “Pensées sur ma vie,” 26-32;  “Thoughts on my Life,” 60-66. Bilingual Journal, Lecomte du Noüy Association 5 (1973).

329.     “Charles Peirce and Quantum Mechanics.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 9, 4 (1973): 191-201. See also Abstracts of Communications Sent to the XVth World Congress of Philosophy. Varna, Sept. 17-22, 1973. Bulgarian Organizing Committee, International Federation of Philosophical Societies.

330.     “Husserl and Whitehead on the Concrete.” Phenomenology: Continuation and Criticism—Essays in Memory of Dorion Cairns, eds. F. Kersten and R. Zaner (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973): 90-104. Chapter 23 of Insights and Oversights.

331.     “Ideas and Theses of Process Philosophers.” Two Process Philosophers: Hartshorne’s Encounter with Whitehead. AAR Studies in Religion Number Five (Tallahassee, Florida: American Academy of Religion, 1973): 100-03.

332.     “Science and Quality.” Sound Seminars: Tapes in Philosophy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954, 1973.

333.     “Contribuciones Permanentes de Spinoza.” [Spanish translation of “Spinoza’s Permanent Contributions.”] Folia humanistica: ciencias, artes, letras 12 (1974): 121-29.

334.     “Twelve Elements of My Philosophy.” Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5, 1 (1974): 7-15.

335.     Abstract: “Do Philosophers Know That They Have Bodies?” Abstracts of Papers, 1974. Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Philosophy (Canberra: Australian National U, 1974): 7-8.

336.     “Philosophy after Fifty Years.” Mid-Twentieth Century American Philosophy: Personal Statements, ed. Peter A. Bertocci (New York: Humanities P, 1974): 140-54.

337.     “The Environmental Results of Technology.” Philosophy and Environmental Crisis, ed. William T. Blackstone (Athens: U of Georgia P, 1974): 69-78.

338.     “Beyond Enlightened Self-Interest: A Metaphysics of Ethics.” Ethics 84, 3 (1974): 201-16. Reprinted in Religious Experience and Process Theology, eds. Harry James Cargas and Bernard Lee (New York: Paulist P, 1976): 301-322. Also published in Process Philosophy: Basic Writings, eds. Jack R. Sibley and Pete A. Y. Gunter (Washington, D.C.: UP of America, 1978): 395-416. Chapter 12 of Zero Fallacy.

339.     “Perception and the Concrete Abstractness of Science.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34, 4 (1974): 465-76. Chapter 9 of Zero Fallacy. Chapter 4 of Creative Experiencing.

340.     “The Nature of Philosophy.” Philosophy in Context: An Experiment in Teaching, Vol. 4, ed. Leslie Armour (Cleveland State UP, 1975): 7-16.

341.     “Love and Dual Transcendence.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 30, 2-4 (1975): 94-100.

342.   “Whitehead’s Differences from Buddhism.” Philosophy East and West 25, 4 (1975): 407-13.

343.     “Whitehead and Leibniz: A Comparison.” Contemporary Studies in Philosophical Idealism, eds. John Howie and Thomas O. Buford (Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Claude Starke, 1975): 95-115.

344.     “Do Birds Enjoy Singing? (An Ornitho-Philosophical Discourse).” Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 8 (1975): 2-5. Chapter 2 of Zero Fallacy.

345.     “The Centrality of Reason in Philosophy (Replies to Questions for Charles Hartshorne).” Philosophy in Context, Supplement to Volume 4 (1975): 5-11.

346.     Discussion: “Synthesis as Polyadic Inclusion: A Reply to Sessions.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 14, 2 (1976): 245-55.

347.     “Mysticism and Rationalistic Metaphysics.” The Monist 59, 4 (1976): 463-69. Also published in Understanding Mysticism, ed. Richard Woods (Garden City, New York: Image, 1980): 415-21.

348.     “Psychicalism and the Leibnizian Principle.” Studia Leibnitiana 8, 2 (1976): 154-59. Chapter 8 of Zero Fallacy.

349.     “Why Psychicalism? Comments on Keeling’s and Shepherd’s Criticisms.” Process Studies 6, 1 (1976): 67-72.

350.     “Additional Reflections.” [On Jean-Marie Breuvart’s Les Directives de la Symbolisation et les Modeles de Référence dans la Philosophie d’A. N. Whitehead]. Process Studies 7, 4 (1977): 271-74.

351.     “Bell’s Theorem and Stapp’s Revised View of Space-time.” Process Studies 7, 3 (1977): 183-91.

352.     “The Books That Shape Lives: Book Choices of Charles Hartshorne.” Christian Century 44, 30 (1977): 860.

353.     “Cobb’s Theology of Ecology.” John Cobb’s Theology in Process, eds. David Ray Griffin and Thomas J. J. Altizer (Philadelphia: Westminster P, 1977): 112-15.

354.    “The Duty to Happiness.” Catalyst Tape Talk 9, 5 (1977): 4.

355.   “John Hick on Logical and Ontological Necessity.” Religious Studies 13, 2 (1977): 155-65.

356.   “The Neglect of Relative Predicates in Modern Philosophy.” American Philosophical Quarterly 14, 4 (1977): 309-18. Chapter 14 of Insights and Oversights.

357.     “Physics and Psychics: The Place of Mind in Nature.” Mind in Nature: Essays on the Interface of Science and Philosophy, eds. John B. Cobb, Jr. and David Ray Griffin (Washington, D.C.: UP of America, 1977): 89-96; also in this volume, “Response to Arthur Koestler’s ‘Free Will in a Hierarchic Context’,” 66 and “Response to Bernhard Rensch’s ‘Arguments for Panpsychistic Identism’,” 78.

358.     “Whitehead’s Metaphysical System.” Trans. Schubert M. Ogden (from “Das metaphysische System Whiteheads”). A Rational Faith: Essays in Honor of Rabbi Levi A. Olan, ed. Jack Bemporad (New York: KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 1977): 107-123. German original in Zeitschrift fur philosophische Forschung 3, 4 (1949): 566-575. German version also in Whitehead: Einführung in seine Kosmologie. Beiträge von Gernot Bohme, Charles Hartshorne, u.s.w. Herausgegeben von Ernest Wolf-Gazo (Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Albers, 1980): 28-44.

359.     “The Acceptance of Death.” Philosophical Aspects of Thanatology, Vol. 1. eds. Florence M. Hetzler and Austin H. Kutscher (New York: MSS Information Corporation, 1978): 83-87. Chapter 1 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

360.     “Can We Understand God?” Louvain Studies 7, 2 (1978): 75-84. Reprinted in Framing a Vision of the World: Essays in Philosophy, Science and Religion, eds. André Cloots and Santiago Sia (Leuven UP, 1999): 87-97.

361.     Foreword to The Ontological Argument of Charles Hartshorne by George L. Goodwin (Missoula, MT: Scholars P, 1978): xi-xviii.

362.     “Foundations for a Humane Ethics: What Human Beings Have in Common with Other Higher Animals.” On the Fifth Day: Animal Rights and Human Ethics, eds. Richard K. Morris and Michael W. Fox (Washington, DC: Acropolis Books, 1978): 154-72.

363.   “The Individual is a Society.” The Individual and Society: Essays Presented to David L. Miller on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, eds. Michael P. Jones, Patricia O.F. Nobo, Jorge L. Nobo, and Yen-ling Chang. Southwestern Journal of Philosophy (1978): 73-88.

364.   “A New World and a New World View.” The Life of Choice, ed. Clark Kucheman (Boston: Beacon P, 1978): 82-92. Chapter 6 of A New World Order. (First given as a speech at University of Texas graduation convocation, 1976.)

365.    “The Organism According to Process Philosophy.” Organism, Medicine, and Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Hans Jonas on his 75th Birthday, May 10th, 1978, ed. Stuart Spicker (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel, 1978): 137-54. Also in Process in Context: Essays in Post-Whiteheadian Perspectives, ed. Ernest Wolf-Gazo (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1988): 69-92.

366.   “Panpsychism: Mind as Sole Reality.” Ultimate Reality and Meaning 1, 2 (1978): 115-29.

367.     “A Philosophy of Death.” Philosophical Aspects of Thanatology, Vol. 2. eds. Florence M. Hetzler and A. H. Kutscher (New York: MSS Information Corporation, 1978): 81-89.

368.     Preface to Process Philosophy: Basic Writings, eds. Jack R. Sibley and Pete A. Y. Gunter (Washington D.C.: UP of America, 1978): 1-7.

369.   “Reply to Eugene H. Peters.” Ultimate Reality and Meaning 1, 3 (1978): 233-34.

370.     “Theism in Asian and Western Thought.” Philosophy East and West 28, 4 (1978): 401-11.

371.     “The Mystery of Omnipotence is Too Deep for Human Reason.” The Power of God: Readings on Omnipotence and Evil, eds. Linwood Urban and Douglas N. Walton (New York: Oxford UP, 1978): 249-251. Retitled excerpt from Natural Theology, 116-20. 

372.     “‘Emptiness’ and Fullness in Asiatic and Western Thought.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (1979): 411-20.

373.    “Charles Morris.” Semiotica 28, 3-4 (1979): 193-94.

374     “God and Nature.” Anticipation 25 (1979): 58-64.

375.     “The Rights of the Subhuman World.” Environmental Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to the Philosophical Aspects of Environmental Problems 1, 1 (1979): 49-60. German translation by Dr. Ilse Tödt: “Rechte¾nicht nur für die Menschen” published in Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 22, 1 (1978): 3-14. English original published as chapter 9 of Wisdom as Moderation.

376.   “Metaphysics Contributes to Ornithology.” Theoria to Theory 13, 2 (1979): 127-40. Chapter 8 of Wisdom as Moderation.

377.     “Whitehead’s Revolutionary Concept of Prehension.” International Philosophical Quarterly 19, 3 (1979): 253-63. Hartshorne used the same title for chapter 9 of Creativity in American Philosophy but it is a different article.

378.     “Process Themes in Chinese Thought.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (1979): 323-36.

379.     Interview with Charles Hartshorne [conducted by Santiago Sia]. Miltown Studies 4 (1979): 1-23.

380.     “Philosophy and Religion.” Program of the International Congress of Philosophy on “Contemporary Problems of Philosophy and Religion” at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan (Dec. 28, 1979-Jan. 4, 1980): 26.

381.     “James’ Empirical Pragmatism.” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1, 1 (1980): 14-20. Chapter 5 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

382.     “My Neoclassical Metaphysics.” Tijdschrift voor Philosophie 42, 1 (1980): 3-10.

383.     “In Defense of Wordsworth’s View of Nature.” Philosophy & Literature 4, 1 (1980): 80-91.

384.     Review of Karol Wojtyla. The Acting Person (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1979). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40, 3 (1980): 443-44.

385.     “Ethics and the Process of Living.” Man and His Conduct: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Risieri Frondizi, ed. Jorge J. E. Garcia (Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial Universitaria, 1980): 191-202.

386.     “Pepper’s Approach to Metaphysics.” Root Metaphor: The Live Thought of Stephen C. Pepper. PAUNCH #53-54 (1980): 80-81.

387.     “Understanding Freedom and Suffering.” Catalyst Tape Talk 12, 9 (1980): 4-5 [cut and edited without consultation with author. Also, recorded tape available.]

388.     “A Revision of Peirce’s Categories.” The Monist 63, 3 (1980): 277-89. Reprinted in The Relevance of Charles Peirce, ed. Eugene Freeman (La Salle, Illinois: Monist Library of Philosophy, 1983): 80-92. Chapter 7 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

389.     “Understanding as Seeing to be Necessary.” The Philosophy of Brand Blanshard, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 15 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1980): 629-35.

390.     “Response to Robert Neville’s Creativity and God.” Process Studies 10, 3-4 (1980): 93-97.

391.     “A Conversation between Charles Hartshorne and Jan Van der Veken.” Louvain Studies VII, 2 (1980): 129-42.

392.     “Concerning Abortion: An Attempt at a Rational View.” The Christian Century 98, 2 (1981): 42-45. Reprinted in Speak Out Against the New Right, ed. Herbert F. Vetter (Boston: Beacon P, 1982): 152-157. Also reprinted in The Ethics of Abortion, first edition, eds. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum (Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1989): 109-14. Chapter 2 of Hartshorne: A New World View.

393.     “The Ethics of Contributionism.” Responsibilities to Future Generations: Environmental Ethics, ed. Ernest Partridge (Buffalo: Prometheus P, 1981): 103-07.

394.     “Critical Study: A Neglected Nonacademic Philosopher” [on Rudolf Jordan]. Process Studies 11, 3 (1981): 213-15.

395.     “Neoclassical Metaphysics.” Philosophers on Their Own Work, Vol. 8. Bern, Frankfurt, Las Vegas: Peter Lang, 1981): 63-104. In French and English. Includes a list of publications.

396.     “Science as the Search for the Hidden Beauty of the World.” The Aesthetic Dimension of Science 1980 Nobel Conference, Number 16, ed. Deane W. Curtin (New York: Philosophical Library, 1982): 85-106. See also pp. 107, 108, 117, 119-120, 123-125, 128-129, 130, 131, 137, 140, 143.

397.     “Creative Interchange and Neoclassical Metaphysics.” Creative Interchange, eds. John A. Broyer and Wm. S. Minor (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois U P, 1982): 107-21.

398.     “Grounds for Believing in God’s Existence.” Meaning, Truth, and God, ed. Leroy S. Rouner (Notre Dame and London: U of Notre Dame P, 1982): 17-33.

399.     “Interview with Charles Hartshorne,” Unitarian Universalist World (November 15, 1982): 1, 6-7.

400.     Review of Daniel A. Dombrowski. Plato’s Philosophy of History (Washington, D.C.: UP of America, 1981). Process Studies 12, 3 (1982): 201-02.

401.     “Anselm and Aristotle’s First Law of Modality.” Anselm Studies: An Occasional Journal 1 (1983): 51-58.

402.     Review of George R. Lucas, Jr. The Genesis of Modern Process Thought: A Historical Outline with Bibliography (Metuchen, N. J. and London: Scarecrow P, 1983). Process Studies 13, 2 (1983): 176-79.

403.     “Categories, Transcendentals, and Creative Experiencing.” The Monist 66, 3 (1983): 319-35. Chapter 11 of Creative Experiencing.

404.    “Peirce’s Fresh Look at Philosophical Problems.” Krisis 1, 1 (1983): 1-5.

405.     “Taking Freedom Seriously.” Lowell Lecture, 1983. Cambridge Forum, taped lecture # 471 (June 25, 1983) (3 Church Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138). Unpublished paper that was also presented as a sermon at the First Unitarian Church in Oklahoma City on February 22, 1981.

406.     “God and the Meaning of Life.” [Reflections on Robert Nozick’s Philosophical Explanations.] On Nature, ed. Leroy S. Rouner. Boston U Studies in Philosophy and Religion, Vol. 6 (Notre Dame, Indiana: U of Notre Dame P, 1984): 154-68.

407.     “Toward a Buddhist-Christian Religion.” Buddhism and American Thinkers, eds. Kenneth K. Inada and Nolan P. Jacobson (Albany: State U of New York P, 1984): 1-13.

408.     “Indeterministic Freedom as Universal Principle.” Journal of Social Philosophy 15 (1984): 5-11.

409.     “Marcel on God and Causality.” The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, eds. Paul Arthur Schilpp and Lewis Edwin Hahn. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 17 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1984): 353-66.

410.     “How I got that way,” Existence and Actuality: Conversations with Charles Hartshorne, eds. John B. Cobb, Jr., and F. I. Gamwell (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1984). Responses to: Eugene H. Peter, 12-15; Schubert M. Ogden, 37-42; Richard M. Martin, 66-77; William P. Alston, 98-102; John E. Smith, 109-12; Paul Weiss, 121-29; Manley Thompson, 143-48; John B. Cobb, Jr., 164-66; George Wolf, 184-88.

411.     “Whitehead as Central but not Sole Philosopher of Process.” Whitehead und der Prozessbegriff, eds. Harold Holz and Ernest Wolf-Gazo (Freiburg, Nunchen: Karl Alber, 1984): 34-38. From Proceedings of the First International Whitehead Symposium, eds. Harold Holz and Ernest Wolf-Gazo, 1981.

412.     Foreword to Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom: Thomas Aquinas and Charles Hartshorne by John Moskop (Georgia: Mercer UP, 1984): ix-xi.

413.     “Theistic Proofs and Disproofs: The Findlay Paradox.” Studies in the Philosophy of J. N. Findlay, eds. Robert S. Cohen, Richard M. Martin, and Merold Westphal (Albany: State U of New York P, 1985): 224-34.

414.     “Creativity as a Value and Creativity as a Transcendental Category.” Creativity in Art, Religion, and Culture, ed. Michael H. Mitias ([Elementa: Schriften Zur Philosophie und Ihrer Problemgeschichte, ed. Rudolph Berlinger and Wiebke Schrader. Band 42 – 1985] Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1985): 3-11.

415.     “A Philosophy of Shared Creative Experience.” American Philosophy: A Historical Anthology, ed. with commentary, Barbara McKinnon (Albany: State U of New York P, 1985): 414-27. Chapter 1 of Creative Synthesis. [cf. items 194, 219, and 220]

416.     Foreword to Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God by Donald Wayne Viney (Albany: State U of New York P, 1985): viii-x.

417.     “Process Theology in Historical and Systematic Contexts.” Modern Schoolman 62, 4 (1985): 221-31.

418.     Postscript to God in Process Thought, A Study in Charles Hartshorne’s Concept of God by Santiago Sia (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijoff Publishing, 1985): 113-23.

419.     “Scientific and Religious Aspects of Bioethics.” Theology and Bioethics, ed. E. E. Schelp (Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, Tokyo: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1985): 27-44.

420.     “Our Knowledge of God.” Knowing Religiously. Boston U Studies in Philosophy and Religion, Vol. 7, ed. Leroy S. Rouner (Notre Dame, Indiana: U of Notre Dame P, 1985): 52-63.

421.     “Reeves and Stearns on My Idealism.” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 7, 1 (1986): 45-50.

422.     “Some Perspectives on Chinese Philosophy.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13 (1986): 267-70. Also published in Philosophie et Culture Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Phillosophie. Édition Montmorency, Montréal, 1988: 249-51.

423.     “Metaphysics and the Dual Transcendence of God.” Tulane Studies in Philosophy, “Hartshorne’s Neoclassical Theology,” eds. Forrest Wood, Jr. and Michael DeArmey, 34 (1986): 65-72. Chapter 9 of Creative Experiencing.

424.     Review of Stephen Toulmin. Return to Cosmology (Berkeley, California: U of California P, 1982). Philosophy and Rhetoric 19, 4 (1986): 266-269.

425.     “Argument in Metaphysics of Religion.” Process Theology and the Christian Doctrine of God, ed. Santiago Sia. Special edition of Word and Spirit, A Monastic Review,8 (Petersham, Massachusetts: St. Bede’s, Publications, 1986): 44-47.

426.     “Wisdom as Moderation: A Philosophy of the Golden Mean.” Cambridge Forum, taped lecture # 716 (April 9, 1986) (3 Church Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138). Chapter 2 of Wisdom as Moderation followed by audience discussion.

427.     “Some Theological Mistakes and Their Effects on Literature.” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, New Series 1, 1 (1987): 55-72. Chapter 3 of Zero Fallacy.

428.     Response to resurrection debate in Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? The Resurrection Debate, Gary Habermas and Antony G. N. Flew, ed. Terry L. Miethe (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987): 137-42.

429.     “Pantheism and Panentheism.” The Encyclopedia of Religion, Senior Ed., Mircea Eliade (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; London: Collier Macmillan, Vol. 11, 1987): 165-71.

430.     “Transcendence and Immanence.” The Encyclopedia of Religion, Senior Ed. Mircea Eliade (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; London: Collier Macmillan, Vol. 15, 1987): 16-21.

431.     “An Anglo-American Phenomenology: Method and Some Results.” Pragmatism Considers Phenomenology, eds. R. S. Corrington, Carl Hausman, and T. M. Seebohn (Washington: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and UP of America, 1987): 59-71.

432.     “Bergson’s Aesthetic Creationism Compared to Whitehead’s.” Bergson & Modern Thought: Toward a Unified Science, eds. A.C. Papanicolaou and Pete A. Gunter (Chur, Switzerland and New York: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1987): 369-82.

433.     “Weiss After Sixty Years.” Creativity and Common Sense: Essays in Honor of Paul Weiss, ed. Thomas Krettek (Albany: State U of New York P, 1987): 262-69.

434.     “Mind and Body: A Special Case of Mind and Mind.” A Process Theory of Medicine: Interdisciplinary Essays, ed. Marcus Ford (Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen P, 1987): 77-88.

435.     “A Metaphysics of Universal Freedom.” Faith and Creativity: Essays in Honor of Eugene H. Peters, eds. George Nordgulen and George W. Shields (St. Louis, Missouri: CBP Press, 1987): 27-40.

436.     “Reflecting on the Existence [and] Meaning of God.” [Interview with Monty Jones]. The Austin-American Stateman (Sunday, Jan. 31, 1988): B8.

437.     “Can Peirce’s Categories Be Retained?” Philosophie et Culture, Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie. Montréal: Éditions Montmorency, 1988: 140-42.

438.     “Some Principles of Procedure in Metaphysics.” The Nature of Metaphysical Knowledge, eds. G. F. McLean and Hugo Meynell. International Society for Metaphysics (Lanham, New York: UP of America, 1988): 69-75.

439.     “Sankara, Nagarjuna, and Fa Tsang, with some Western Analogues.” Interpreting Across Boundaries: New Essays in Comparative Philosophy, eds. G. J. Larson and Eliot Deutsch (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1988): 98-115.

440.     “In Dispraise of Empiricism.” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 10, 2 (1989): 123-26.

441.     “A Dual Theory of Theological Analogy.” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 10, 3 (1989): 171-78. Also in God, Values, and Empiricism, Issues in Philosophical Theology, eds. Creighton Peden and Larry Axel (Macon, Georgia: Mercer UP, 1989): 85-91.

442.     “Metaphysical and Empirical Aspects of the Idea of God.” Witness and Existence: Essays in Honor of Schubert M. Ogden, eds. Philip E. Devenish and George L. Goodwin (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1989): 177-89.

443.     “General Remarks.” Hartshorne, Process Philosophy, and Theology, eds. Robert Kane and Stephen H. Phillips (Albany: State U of New York P, 1989). Replies to David Griffin, 181-83; Jan Van der Veken, 183-84; Barry Whitney, 184-85; Donald Wayne Viney, 186; Daniel Dombrowski, 186-88, Stephen Phillips, 188-90; Kenneth Ketner, 190-92; Lewis S. Ford, 192-94; Robert Kane, 194-95; Jorge L. Nobo, 195-96.

444.     “Von Wright and Hume’s Axiom.” The Philosophy of Georg Henrik von Wright, eds. Paul Arthur Schilpp and Lewis Edwin Hahn. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 19 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1989): 59-76.

445.     Foreword and Postscript to Benevolent Living: Tracing the Roots of Motivation to God by Richard Hazelett and Dean Turner (Pasadena: Hope Publishing House, 1990): xi-xiv; 313-17.

446.     “Charles Hartshorne on Metaphilosophy, Person and Immortality, and Other Issues.” An interview with Charles Hartshorne by John Kennedy and Piotr Gutowski [on May 20-21, 1989]. Process Studies 19, 4 (1990): 256-78.

447      Review of The Philosophical Theology of Jonathan Edwards by Sang Hyun Lee (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1988). Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26, 2 (1990): 249-52.

448.     “Response to Piotr Gutowski’s ‘Charles Hartshorne’s Rationalism’.” Process Studies 19, 1 (1990): 10-14.

449.    “Hegel, Logic, and Metaphysics.” CLIO 19, 4 (1990): 347-52.

450.     Critical Response by Charles Hartshorne. Charles Hartshorne’s Concept of God, Philosophical and Theological Responses, ed. Santiago Sia (Hingam, Massachusetts: Kluwer Publishers, 1990): 241-321. Responses to: [Theodore] Walker on Afro-American and African Theology, 241-42; [Peter] Phan on Liberation Theology, 243-50; [Randall] Morris on Political Philosophy, 251-55; [Sheila Greeve] Devaney on God, Power, and Liberation, 256-62; Arabindu Basu on Indian Thought, 263-65; [Fr. Joseph] Bracken on the God-world Issue, 266-68; [Fr. W. Norris] Clarke’s Thomistic Critique, 269-79; [André] Cloots and [Jan] Van der Veken on Panentheism, 280-83; [Hiroshi] Endo’s Comparative Study, 284-89; [Piotr] Gutowski on Philosophical Theology, 290-93; [John S.] Ishihara on Buddhism, 294-98; [Rabbi William] Kaufman on Judaism’s Idea of God, 299-303; [Martin] McNamara on Biblical Theology, 304-09; [David] Pailin on Rigor, Reason, and Moderation, 310-20; Concluding Remarks [in appreciation of Santiago Sia and the contributors], 320-21.

451.     “An Open Letter to Carl Sagan.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 5, 4 (1991): 227-32.

452.     “Communication from Charles Hartshorne” [concerning the history of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association]. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 65, 3 (1991): 69-70.

453.     “Some Causes of My Intellectual Growth.” The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne, ed. Lewis Edwin Hahn. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 20 (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1991): 3-45. “A Reply to My Critics,” 569-731: Preliminaries and Principles: Reply to Everybody, 569-89; [Charles L.] Birch on Darwin, Chance, and Purpose, 584-86; [Alexander K.] Skutch on Bird Song and Philosophy, 586-89; [Lucio] Chiaraviglio on Song, Evolution, and Theism, 589-98; [Wayne] Viney on Psychology of Sensation, 598-600; [John] Hospers on the Aesthetics of Sensation, 600-06; [Robert] Kane on Freedom and Sufficient Reason, 606-13; Englehardt on Theism and Bioethics, 613-14; [John B.] Cobb [Jr.] on My Theology, 614-16; [William L.] Reese on Panentheism and God’s Goodness, 616-17; [Jan] Van der Veken on God and the Ultimate, 617-19; [Jacquelyn Ann] Kegley on Royce and Community, 620-23; [Sallie B.] King on Buddhism, Hierarchy, and Reason, 624-27; [John G.] Arapura on My Response to Vedantism, 627-30; [James P.] Devlin on Metaphysical Asymmetry, 630-33; [Nancy] Frankenberry on Method in Metaphysics, 633-39; [Lewis S.] Ford on Whitehead’s and My Philosophy, 640-56; [Norman M.] Martin on the Logic of My Metaphysics, 656-64; [Hubertus G.] Hubbeling on the Ontological Argument, 664-69; [Robert C.] Neville on Temporality and God, 669-72; [T. L. S.] Sprigge on Past, Future, and Eternity, 672-80; [Paul G.] Kuntz on Order and Orderliness, 680-84; [Sterling M.] McMurrin on Neoclassical Metaphysics, 684-88; [Reiner] Wiehl on Whitehead’s and My Psychicalism, 688-702; [Daniel A.] Dombrowski on My Platonism, 703-04; [John E.] Smith on the History of Philosophy, 704-12; [George R.] Lucas [Jr.] on Sources of Process Philosophy, 712-14; Donald Lee on My Pragmatism, 714-21; [Matao] Noda on My Atomism, 721-26; [Keiji] Matsunobu on Philosophy in the Kyoto School, 726-31.

454.     “Peirce, Whitehead und die sechzehn Ansichten über Gott.” [translated by Helmut Maaßen] Die Gifford Lectures und ihre Deutung: Materialien zu Whiteheads ›Prozeß und Realität‹ 2, eds. Michael Hampe und Helmut Maaßen (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1991): 194-216.  English original, “Peirce, Whitehead, and the Sixteen Views About God” published in Process Studies 40/1 (Spring/Summer 2011): 104-121.

455.     “The Aesthetic Dimensions of Religious Experience.” Logic, God and Metaphysics, ed. J. F. Harris (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992): 9-18.

456.     “Some Not Ungrateful But Perhaps Inadequate Comments About Comments on My Writings and Ideas.” Process Studies 21, 2 (1992): 123-29.

457.     “Some Comments on Randall Morris’ Process Philosophy and Political Ideology.” Process Studies 21, 3 (1992): 149-51.

458.     “Some Under- and Over-rated Great Philosophers [Plato, Bergson, Aristotle, Kant, and others].” Process Studies 21, 3 (1992): 166-74.

459.     “Hartshorne’s Response [to D. Haugen and L. G. Keeling’s ‘Hartshorne’s Process Theism and Big Bang Cosmology’].”  Process Studies 22, 3 (1993): 172.

460.     “Can Philosophers Cooperate Intellectually: Metaphysics as Applied Mathematics.” The Midwest Quarterly 35, 1 (1993): 8-20.

461.     “Reminiscences of Charles Hartshorne (member since 1942).” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (1993): 286-89.

462.     “God, Necessary and Contingent; World, Contingent and Necessary; and the Fifteen Other Options in Thinking about God: Necessity and Contingency as Applied to God and the World.” Metaphysics as Foundation: Essays in Honor of Ivor Leclerc, eds. Paul A. Bogaard and Gordan Treash (Albany: State U of New York P, 1993): 296-311.

463.     “Interview with Hartshorne, December 1, 1993” (with Randall Auxier). Hartshorne and Brightman on God, Process, and Persons: The Correspondence, 1922-1945, eds. Randall E. Auxier and Mark Y. A. Davies (Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2001): 88-99.

464.     “Three Important Scientists on Mind, Matter, and the Metaphysics of Religion.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 8, 3 (1994): 211-27.

465.     “Buddhism and the Theistic Question.” Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization: Essays in Honor of Nolan Pliny Jacobson, eds. Ramakrishna Puligandla and David Lee Miller (Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois UP, 1994): 62-72.

466.     “Peirce’s Philosophy on Religion: Between Two Forms of Religious Belief.” Peirce and Contemporary Thought: Philosophical Inquiries, ed. Denneth Laine Ketner (New York: Fordham UP, 1995): 339-55.

467.    “Rorty’s Pragmatism and Farewell to the Age of Faith and Enlightenment.” Rorty & Pragmatism: The Philosopher Responds to His Critics, ed. Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. (Nashville & London: Vanderbilt UP, 1995): 16-28. Chapter 24 of Creativity in American Philosophy.

468.    “Freedom as Universal.” Process Studies 25 (1996): 1-9.

469.    “The Meaning of Life.” Process Studies 25 (1996): 10-18.

470.    “Theism as Radical Positivism: Minds, Bodies, Yes, Mindless Matter, No; Causality, Yes,

            Determinism, No.” Process Thought: The Japan Society for Process Studies (1996): 1-5. 

471.     “Reminiscences of Charles Hartshorne” (excerpted from an unpublished paper: “Importance, Families, Religions, Darwin: A Case Study From the Inside,” written in 1994). Process Perspectives 20, 3. Newsletter of the Center for Process Studies, Special Hartshorne edition (Spring 1997): 8-11.

472.     “A Philosopher at 99.” [Interview by Steven Vita]. Austin American Statesman. (Sunday, April 13, 1997): D1, D7.

473.     “A hundred years of thinking about God: a philosopher soon to be rediscovered.” [Interview by Greg Easterbrook]. US News and World Report (Feb. 23, 1998): 61, 65.

474.     “Philosophy (at) 101: Centenarian Charles Hartshorne is Austin’s Preeminent Man of Ideas.” [Interview by Dayna Finet]. The Good Life [published in Austin, Texas] (Oct. 1998): 15-18.

475.     “Twenty Opinions from Five Times Twenty Years.” The Personalist Forum, Special Issue: The Hartshorne Centennial Conference, 14, 2 (1998): 75-76.

476.     “Thoughts on the Development of My Concept of God.” The Personalist Forum, Special Issue: The Hartshorne Centennial Conference, 14, 2 (1998): 77-82.

477.     “A Psychologist’s Philosophy Evaluated After Fifty Years: Troland’s Psychical Monism.” Ed. Donald Wayne Viney. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 237-41. [Originally presented April 1, 1983 at the Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.]

478.     “God as Composer-Director and Enjoyer, and in a Sense Player, of the Cosmic Drama.” Ed. Donald Wayne Viney. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 242-53. [Presented April 7, 1987 at Central State University, Edmund, Oklahoma.]

479.     Audience Discussion of “God as Composer-Director and Enjoyer, and in a Sense Player, of the Cosmic Drama” [Transcription of a video tape from April 7, 1987, Central State U, Edmond, Oklahoma]. Ed. Donald Wayne Viney. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 254-60. 

480.     “Thomas Aquinas and Three Poets Who Do Not Agree With Him.” Ed. Donald Wayne Viney. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 261-75. [Written in the late 1980s or early 1990s.]

481.     “Darwin and Some Philosophers [Review of Charles Darwin: A New Life by John Bowlby].” Ed. Donald Wayne Viney. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 276-88. [Manuscript indicates that Hartshorne worked on this review as late 1993.]

482.     “Charles Hartshorne’s Handwritten Notes on A. N. Whitehead’s Harvard-Lectures 1925-1926.” Ed. Roland Faber. Process Studies 30, 2 (2001): 289-73.

483.    “Theistic Humanism.” Hartshorne: A New World View, chapter 4, previously unpublished. [Written in 1950.]

484.    “Some Formal Criteria of Good Metaphysics.” Creative Experiencing, chapter 1, previously unpublished.

485.     “My Eclectic Approach to Phenomenology.” Creative Experiencing, chapter 2, previously unpublished.

486.     “Metaphysical Truth by Systematic Elimination of Absurdities.” Creative Experiencing, chapter 5, previously unpublished.

487.     “The Ontological Argument and the Meaning of Modal Terms.” Creative Experiencing, chapter 10, previously unpublished.

488.     “The Higher Levels of Creativity: Wieman’s Theory.” Creative Experiencing, chapter 12, previously unpublished.

489.     “Determinate Views about the Indeterminate Future.” Process Studies 40/1 (2011): 122-130. [Originally written in the 1970s as a response to two articles in The Review of Metaphysics, but never previously published.]

490.     “Response to Zycinski.” Process Studies 40/1 (2011): 144-149. [Response to Joseph Zycinski, “How to Naturalize Theology?” Process Studies 40/1 (2011): 131-143; see also in the same number Zycinski’s response to Hartshorne: 150-153. The exchange occurred in the 1990s.]

491.     “My Religious Beliefs.” Process Studies 40/1 (2011): 154-161. [Presented as a sermon at a Unitarian church on August 23, 1992.]

Miscellaneous Hartshorne Correspondence and Letters to the Editor

“Recollections of Leo Szilard by Charles Hartshorne” (6 pages) Hartshorne sent this document to William Lanouette for his biography of Szilard on January 10, 1986. On file at the Claremont School of Theology at the Center for Process Studies in the Hartshorne Archives.

Letter from Charles Hartshorne to David Basinger (August 4, 1988) and letter from Basinger to Hartshorne (August 24, 1988). Shared by Basinger with Don Viney.

Letter from Charles Hartshorne to Robert S. Corrington (July 10, 1992),, accessed June 13, 2017.

Letter from Carl Sagan to Hartshorne (Feb. 27, 1992) and Hartshorne’s response (Jan. 23, 1995). On file at the Claremont School of Theology at the Center for Process Studies in the Hartshorne Archives in “Professional Correspondence to Hartshorne” #1155). Hartshorne’s response is in “Professional Correspondence from Hartshorne,” #186.

Hartshorne’s letter to the editor of the Austin American Statesman concerning “creation science” opposing May 23, 1981; February 1, 1984 and May 11, 1989; concerning abortion, April 26, 1971, February 6, 1973, February 15, 1973, February 26, 1973, September 17, 1990, and July 5, 1991.

Secondary Sources (listed by author)

For an excellent secondary bibliography on Hartshorne that extends from 1929 until 1973 and that includes an index of names, see Dorothy C. Hartshorne, “Charles Hartshorne: A Secondary Bibliography,” Process Studies 3/3 (fall 1973): 179-227. The list that follows repeats a few of Dorothy Hartshorne’s entries and includes the works we have cited in this study.

Aczel, Amir D. The Jesuit & the Skull: Teilhard de Chardin, Evolution, and the Search for Peking Man (New York: Riverhead Books, 2007).

Adams, Marilyn McCord. Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God (New York: Cornell University Press, 1999). 

Addison, Howard Avruhm. “The God of Israel” in Etz Hayim: Study Companion, edited by Jacob Blumenthal and Janet L. Liss (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2005): 75-84.

Albert, David Z. Quantum Mechanics and Experience (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992).

Alexander, Eben. Proof of Heaven: A Neuro-Surgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012).

Ali, Ahmed Farag and Saurya Das. “Cosmology from quantum potential,” Physics Letters B. Volume 741 (4 February 2015): 276–279. On-line at f6d27db784e5107b00860d230eb0d34f [Accessed February 25, 2017].

Allan, George, “The Metaphysical Axioms and Ethics of Charles Hartshorne,” Review of Metaphysics 40 (December 1986): 271-304.

Angadiyil, Joseph M., “Hartshorne on the Existence of God: A Transcendental Interpretation” in Framing a Vision of the World: Essays in Philosophy, Science, and Religion, in Honor of Professor Jan van der Veken, edited by André Cloots and Santiago Sia (Leuven University Press, 1999): 159-179.

Anon. Report on Hartshorne’s “My Enthusiastic but Partial Agreement with Whitehead,” presented at the eleventh Congreso Ineramericasno de Filosifia, Guadalajara, Mexico, Nov. 15, 1985, Center for Process Studies Newsletter, 9, 4, 7.

Anselm of Canterbury. St. Anselm: Basic Writings, translated by S. N. Deane (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1966).

Aquinas, Thomas. Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. I, edited by Anton C. Pegis (New York: Random House, 1945).

_____. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, Summa Contra Gentiles Book One: God, translated by Anton C. Pegis (Garden City, New York: Hanover House, 1955).

_____. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, Summa Contra Gentiles Book Two: Creation, translated by James F. Anderson (Garden City, New York: Hanover House, 1956).

_____. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, Summa Contra Gentiles, Book Three: Providence, Part I, translated by Vernon J. Bourke (Garden City, New York: Hanover House, 1956).

Armstrong-Buck, Susan. “Whitehead’s Metaphysical System as a Foundation for Environmental Ethics.” Environmental Ethics 8 (1986): 241-259.

Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, in two volumes, John Hammond Taylor, S. J., trans. (New York: Newman Press, 1982).

Auxier, Randall. “Why One Hundred Years is Forever: Hartshorne’s Theory of Immortality,” The Personalist Forum 14/2 (Fall 1998): 109-132.

Baker, John Robert. “Omniscience and Divine Synchronization,” Process Studies, 2/3 (Fall 1972): 201-208.

Barbour, Ian. Religion in an Age of Science (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990).

_____. Ethics in an Age of Technology (San Francisco: HarperOne, 1993).

Barbour, Julian. The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).

Barrow, John D. and Frank Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).

Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics, Vol. III/3. The Doctrine of Creation. Trans. G. W. Bromiley and E. J. Ehrlich (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1960).

Basinger, David. Divine Power in Process Theism: A Philosophical Critique (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988).

_____. The Case for Freewill Theism: A Philosophical Assessment (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 1996).

Bauer, Susan Wise. The Story of Science: From the Writings of Aristotle to the Big Bang Theory (New York: W. W. Norton, 2015).

Beauvoir, Simone de. Le deuxième sexe Tome II: l’expérience vécue (Paris: Gallimard, 1976 [1949]).

Berdyaev, Nicholas. The Destiny of Man (New York: Harper and row Publishers, 1960).

Bergner, Raymond M. “The Case Against the Case Against Free Will,” Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, v. 38, n. 3 (2018): 123-139.

Bergson, Henri. Le Rêve suivi de Fantômes de vivants, Édition critique dirigée par Frédéric Worms (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2013 [1901]).

_____. Creative Evolution, translated by Arthur Mitchell (New York: Modern Library, 1944 [1907]).

_____. The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, translated by R. Ashley Audra and Cloudesley Brereton with the assistance of W. Horsfall Carter (Garden City, New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1954 [1932]).

Betten, Francis S. “The Knowledge of the Sphericity of the Earth During the Earlier Middle Ages,” The Catholic Historical Review, 3/1 (April 1923): 74-90.

Birch, Charles and John B. Cobb, Jr., The Liberation of Life: From Cell to Community (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981).

Blanchette, Oliva. “The Logic of Perfection in Aquinas” in David M. Gallagher (ed). Thomas Aquinas and His Legacy (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1994): 107-130.

Blancke, Stefaan, with Hans Henrik Hjermitslev, John Braeckman, and Peter C. Kjærgaard, “Creationism in Europe: Facts, Gaps, and Prospects,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 81/4 (December 2013): 996-1028.

Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, translated by V. E. Watts (London: Penguin, 1969).

Boone, Kathleen C. The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989).

Borgmann, Albert. Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophical Inquiry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987).

Boyd, Gregory A. Trinity and Process: A Critical Evaluation and Reconstruction of Hartshorne’s Di-Polar Theism Towards a Trinitarian Metaphysics (New York: Peter Lang, 1992).

_____. God of the Possible: A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of God (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 2000).

Bracken, Joseph A. The One in the Many: A Contemporary Reconstruction of the God-World Relationship, Forward by Philip Clayton. (Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U. K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001).

_____. “Whitehead and the Critique of Logocentrism” in A. Daniell and C. Keller (eds.), Process and Difference (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002): 91-110.

Bracken, Joseph A. (ed.) World Without End: Christian Eschatology from a Process Perspective (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2005).

Bradley, James A. “Whitehead, Heidegger, and the Paradoxes of the New” Process Studies 20/3 (1991): 127-150.

Broad, C. D. Scientific Thought (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1923).

Bunge, Mario. Philosophy in Crisis: The Need for Reconstruction (Amherst, New York: Prometheus, 2001).

Burrell, David B. Aquinas God and Action (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979).

_____. “Does Process Theology Rest on a Mistake?” Theological Studies 43/1 (March 1982): 125-135.

Camus, Albert. “The Enigma” in Lyrical and Critical Essays, edited by Philip Thody, Translated by Ellen Conroy Kennedy (New York: Vintage): 154-160.

Canales, Jimena. The Physicist and the Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate that Changed Our Understanding of Time (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2015).

Čapek, Milič. Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics (New York: VanNostrand & co., 1961).

_____. Bergson and Modern Physics: A Reinterpretation and Reevaluation (Dordrecht: Springer, 1971).

_____. “Temporal Order and Spatial Order: Their Differences and Relations” in Mind in Nature: Essays on the Interface of Science and Philosophy, edited by John B. Cobb, Jr. and David Ray Griffin (University Press of America, 1977): 57-58.

Carnap, Rudolf. Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947).

Case-Winters, Anna. God’s Power: Traditional Understandings and Contemporary Challenges (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990).

Chalmers, David J. The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).

_____. The Character of Consciousness (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Chancey, Anita. “Rationality, Contributionism, and the Value of Love: Hartshorne on Abortion” Process Studies 28/1-2 (Spring-Summer 1999): 85-97.

Chapman, J. Harley and Nancy K. Frankenberry, Interpreting Neville (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999).

Christ, Carol P. She Who Changes: Re-Imagining the Divine in the World (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).

Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings, trans. by Burton Watson (New York: Columbia University Press, 1964).

Clarke, Bowman. Language and Natural Theology (The Hague: Mouton & Co, 1966).  

_____. “Modal Disproofs and Proofs for God,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 9/3 (Fall 1971): 247-258.

_____. “Two Process Views of God” in Eugene Thomas Long (ed.) God, Reason and Religions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Religions (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1995): 61-74.

Clarke, D. S., “Panpsychism and the Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne,” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, New Series, 16/3 (2002): 151-166.

_____. Panpsychism and the Religious Attitude (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003).

Clarke, D. S. ed., Panpsychism: Past and Recent Selected Readings (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004).

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_____. The Philosophical Approach to God: A Neo-Thomist Perspective (Winston-Salem, North Carolina: Wake Forest University 1979).

_____. The Philosophical Approach to God: A New Thomistic Perspective, second revised edition (New York: Fordham University Press, 2007).

Clayton, Philip. Organic Marxism (Claremont, California: Process Century Press, 2015)

Clegg, Brian Clegg. Before the Big Bang (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2009).

Cobb, John B. Jr.Living Options in Protestant Theology: A Survey of Methods (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1962).

_____. A Christian Natural Theology Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead , Second edition (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007 [1965]).

_____.  God and the World (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969).

_____. Is it Too Late? A Theology of Ecology. Revised Edition (Denton, Texas: Environmental Ethics Books, 1995 [1972]).

_____. Christ in a Pluralistic Age (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975).

_____. Process Theology as Political Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982).

_____. “The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne,” Process Studies, 21/2 (Summer 1992): 75-84.

_____. “Palmer on Whitehead: A Critical Evaluation.” Process Studies, 33/1 (2004): 4-23.

_____. Theological Reminiscences (Claremont, California: Process Century Press, 2014).

_____. Jesus’ Abba: The God Who Has Not Failed (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2015).

Cobb, John B., Jr. (ed.) Back to Darwin: A Richer Account of Evolution (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2008).

Cobb, John B., Jr. and Franklin I. Gamwell (eds.) Existence and Actuality: Conversations with Charles Hartshorne (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).

Cobb, John B., Jr. and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1976).

Cobb, John B., Jr. and David J. Lull, Romans, Chalice Commentaries for Today (St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press, 2005). 

Cobb, John B., Jr. and Clark H. Pinnock (eds.) Searching for an Adequate God: A Dialogue Between Process Theists and Free Will Theists (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 2000).

Cohen, Robert S., Richard M. Martin, and Merold Westphal (eds.) Studies in the Philosophy of J. N. Findlay (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985).

Cooper, Ron L. Heidegger and Whitehead (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1993).

Craig, William Lane, The Kalām Cosmological Argument (London: Macmillan, 1979).

_____. The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz (London: Macmillan, 1980).

_____. “Process Theology’s Denial of Divine Foreknowledge,” Process Studies 16/3 (Fall 1987): 198-202.

_____. “Creation ex nihilo” in Process Theology, edited by Ronald H. Nash. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1987): 141-173.

_____. Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 2001).

Craig, William Lane and James D. Sinclair, “The kalām cosmological argument” in The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology edited by William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012): 101-201.

Craig, William Lane and Quentin Smith, Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995).

Creel, Richard E. Divine Impassibility: An Essay in Philosophical Theology (London: Cambridge University Press, 1986).

Christ, Carol P. She Who Changes: Re-Imagining the Divine in the World (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).

Crosby, Donald A. A Religion of Nature (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002).

Curley, Edwin M. Behind the Geometrical Method: A Reading of Spinoza’s Ethics (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1988).

Daly, Herman and John B. Cobb, Jr., For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Towards Community, the Environment and a Sustainable Future. Second Edition (Boston: Beacon Press, 1994 [1989]).

Dauben, J. W. “Georg Cantor and Pope Leo XIII: Mathematics, Theology, and the Infinite,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 38/1 (Jan.-Mar., 1977): 85-108.

Davaney, Sheila Greeve. Divine Power: A Study of Karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne. Harvard Dissertations in Religion, number 19 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986).

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